It's ironic, isn't it, & isn't it the way of the world?! On the eve of departure, on the very eve of dress rehearsal, the Ditz has a throat on fire. She is swallowing panadol & strepsils in equal portions. Ditz, who is never sick!!!
I was dithering, you know. Should I contact Alison & query Ditz attedning today? Should we just opt out? I had visions of infecting the whole choir but then Ditz said in disgust, " It's probably where I caught it!" True, oh sage.
I do hope she gets over this by Sunday. There's nothing worse than going up in a plane when you feel ill. And isn't that an absolutely disgusting picture?! I think I'm the world's lousiest nurse. The bits inside us should stay inside & like motor vechicles & computers & other various bits of technology they should simply keep on keeping on with no maintainance from me whatsoever. I just don't want to know!
Ditz, being Ditz, would make a song & dance about this if she could ~ but her voice just isn't up to it.
sounds like its time to dose up with everything you can to get rid of this bug. Some good ones are vitamin c tablets, apple cider vinegar-one part vinegar to two or three parts water-gargle, honey (manuka is great for this but expensive $10-$15, i'm all out of this or i'd pop round with some, i swear by it, works quick tastes nice too).
Oh I do hope she feels better quickly.
Go in the plane! Keep taking the meds. Hope it gets better very, very soon. It would be such a shame to cancel now!! I think after 24 hours on an antibiotic you are no longer contagious; I would ask the doctor. :]
Oh my! Please tell me that isn't a picture of poor little Ditz' actual throat?? I swear I get strep throat every year at least once... I actually have gotten kind of used to it, but that picture looks like a pretty severe case. ouch.
She's on an antibiotic, right? Like Mrs. C said, once she's on that for 24hrs, she's not contagious anymore... I'd have her go, but be really ahem, "assertive" about making sure she takes it as easy as possible and rests as much as can be managed.
Prayer helps a lot too;)
Gargling with warm salty water is really good for yucky throats. Heck, salt water is good for everything. Sea salt is the best.
I hope this goes away FAST. Shoo mystery germs, shoo!
Mrs Bean: She is gargling...but I think I have it too. :0
Rose: Me too.
Mrs C: they won't give antibiotics here for what amounts to a cold. Antibiotics don't do anything for a cold.
Diane: No, not Ditz's throat. Didn't even realise it was a strep throat till someone said. Ditz just has the sore throat that goes with a cold.
Moly: Gargling with salt water. Best thing I know for an *itchy* throat.
Hi Ganeida,
I'm praying for Ditz right now. :)
Well, phew! That's a relief! I am praying for her today♥
Ho Ganeida, I wonder why your live traffic feed says I live in Prahran! I'd love to live in Prahran - all those wonderful shops, but alas, I do not. I do not live even vaguely close to Prahran.
I digress.
I will be praying for you dear girls. I hope that a couple of days has seen things on the improve already - a flight with a cold and blocked ears and the lot can be particularly painful, so lots of panadol is the go. Gargling aspirin helps a lot too...
Thanks Jillian & Diane. ☺ I do not want to fly with this!
Jeanne: The feed is weird. I come up in another state entirely, as does my mother! lol Most people seem to come up wrong.
The cold is a pain. When we did Europe Dearest flew with a cold & was very miserable indeed. I have no wish for a repeat performance! ☺
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