But neither Star nor I are enjoying it. Dino has shared his cold & we are fuggy~headed, irritable, cloggy~nosed & grasping our throats wishing we could end the agony. It's only a cold ~ but causing so much misery. Bang goes the school work again!
Liddy arrived in time for lunch, glowing because Kirby misses her & has taken to sleeping in her room, face first in one of her jackets. Nothing like a cat to make you feel loved. Life moves on. Amidst the agony, celebration.
Get well soon, you two♥
Propolis is ace for throats. Hope you soon feel better. School work? Today's lesson may be Bacteriology and Herbal Medicine xx
May the Lord speed your healing so you can enjoy His blue sky days fully...and get Star educated too. (Sorry, Star!)
Ahhh... and we are heading into fall! Which is my favorite season, so I am almost heady with anticipation. I am so ready to be done with this hot humid weather!
Praying you all will get better from your cold even sooner than you could have hoped♥
Hoping you feel better soon Ganeida, and Star too...
We have a perfect day here today. Barely a cloud in the sky...
My mummy loves me sooo much that whilst I am home I still have to corresond via the comp, Jee Mother!!!!!!!
My husband is suffering from all the blossom and flowers, he doesn't like this time of year at all - I'm fine as pollen doesn't affect me so I am thoroughly the spring flowers. However we are having very heavy rains that will dampen the pollen and help my husband a bit.
Ah, hope you are all on the mend at this point. We are careening into the fall here, just starting back to our schooling this coming Tuesday after a holiday weekend. To top that off 19 year old son has already started his second year of college and STILL living at home. Love the boy-man, but might I say he is miserable with lack of sleep and new routines...?!? Us girls have to put on and zip up our 'remain happy no matter what gear'.
And yes, the colds will come, I am afraid..ugh. But spring! Wow, that is a great thought. I hope you will be able to enjoy it soon.
Thanks everyone. The old brain has turned to mush but the heart's still a~pumping. ☺
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