A week to go & Ditz's spots are scabbing up nicely.
A week to go & Ditz is suffering serious cabin fever.
A week to go & Liddy got desparate enough to put up the tree herself.
No it hasn't been a real fun week. Poor old Ditz had the pox bad & she was a very, very sick little girl. Then as she got better we lost the internet & now she is feeling her usual chipper self she is going demented with boredom. She made me take her for a drive yesterday just for a change of scenery. She is hopeful that she can attend the traditional carols night tomorrow. We'll see. If all her spots have scabbed up she should be right & things can return to their normal chaos around here.
Now she is well missing Singapore stings. Next time...
Poor Ditz.
Feeling for you, girl...(s)
Awww poor Ditz... I'm sure missing Singapore does sting. But you know what? The Lord is very very good at making up for those things we miss. Very good indeed☺ I'll be praying that He does something truly special for her♥
Oh, poor Ditz!
Send her down here - no boredom in our home - my daughter'd keep her busy introducing her to the goats and goat kids. lol
So sorry for Ditz. Glad she has mostly recovered now though. What timing.....
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