In her own mind Ditz has always been a Star. I am so used to her blog name I have been known, on rare occasions, to forget what we actually christened the child & refer to her by her nickname. Mortifying, that's what it is.
Star, like my oldest boy, inherited their father's gorgeous red/blonde hair ~ with gentle wave ~ which Star says makes her shine like Rudolph's red nose ~ or the beacons in the bay. Not something she's thrilled about. She has been after me to let her get her hair cut ~ not something I've been wild about agreeing to. If you'd seen some of her suggestions as to a suitable cut you'd understand why. I am not walking round town with candy pink spikes! OK, not quite that way out but too out there for my 15 year old daughter!
However said child has a birthday coming up & 15 is no longer a child ~ though hardly yet a grown woman, so I cautiously agreed to a cut & style. Cautiously because Star didn't have anything particular in mind but wanted to leave the choice of cut up to our hairdresser. Now our local hairdresser has daughters of her own so I felt fairly sure she wasn't about to given my cherished daughter a buzz cut, spikes, or something involving multiple piercings, a razor & rude words indented on her cranium. Just the same, you do all remember this child is part of a semi professional ensemble which is performing tonight so I was really hoping we wouldn't end up with a disaster that necessitated a serious meltdown on both mother & daughters part.
It turned out rather well ~ though a tad more curly & bouncy than Star wanted. She likes the dead straight look, a look I can assure her from sad experience is no fun at all! All of a sudden she looks terribly grown up. On the other hand Older Irish lad & my Star have birthdays within a day or two of each other & when they are in OZ we always do a joint celebration. This year they want to go paintballing. An activity, sad to say, originally initiated by my child. She has been on~line for days tracking down paintball venues, comparing prices & tweaking dates because both children must be 15, have photo id & signed parental permission to do this. And this is my girly~girl!
she is so cute
A new name and a haircut...who will recognize her?
She looks beautiful, of course!
Ganeida, Ditz is just beautiful with that cut and truly does appear more grown up!
I must confess that I have been pathetically behind on reading blogs as of late. I was just so pleased now to read your piece on Quaker Worship-saw it on the front of QQ. Fair to say, I've been a bit busy with appts, problems and also a few internet meetings of Friends in real life this summer. (Overseas company.) So, I have a lot of making up to do! I'm not sure how you write so much, but I certainly enjoy it when I DO get a chance to visit. I'm afraid my blog will continue dwindling as I am starting not only back to our schooling with the girls next month, but a new start back for me..from home though. Keep up the writing..you have a wonderful way!
Jan Lyn
I try and create dead straight hair but it takes far too long and I don't have the patiences, now I am learning to love my curls!! It is only taking 40 something years.
It is a strange feeling when our babies grow up - a mixed bag of emotions.
argh... I know I commented on this post. I know I did! The mystery of the disappearing comment... sounds like a gripping novel, eh? ;-)
Anyhoo.. Star looks lovely and I deeply envy her bouncy curls☺
It's a beautiful hair cut... very fitting for a 15 yo girl I think.
Paintballing... the young ones love it don't they??!! lol, they can have it ;)
Hope Star has a lovely birthday with you all..
me too, I love dead straight hair and my hair straightener gets a good workout here to not much avail I must say! my hair is very wavy. I love her new hair cut, very grown up indeed....oh, I keep telling Rebekah not to grow up too fast, one can only hope!
Renjac: thank you.
Seeking: lol thee other girl has gone back whence she came & I need to chat. Looks like we're back to e~mails! ☺
Jan Lyn: I'm up VERY early & blog then while the house needs to be quiet.
Jo: So true. Star is the last of a rather long line. Scary how soon babies become adults.
Diane: lol
Amanda: They can keep the paintballing. So NOT doing that. ☺
joyfulmum: Waaah! It's not fair. I am used to having a child in the house. Now the Lord's finally got me used to it they're all leaving. lol☺
Ah Ganeida, the cutting of the childhood hair ceremony! A sweet/sad moment for any mum. I felt the same even when the twins [grandkids] decided to go their separate ways as far as hair went.Essie says she'll never, never have her's cut. Izzie had it done and looks good for that. You can see them on my latest post as they climb the tree in the back field. Best G.
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