We had one of those days when you're just glad not to be pushing up the daisies. Seriously. We've had an unusually wet, cold, old winter but today the sun poured down like honey. It was springlike & the birds celebrated. The cats basked in the pools of sunlight until their fur was too hot to touch. Ditz & I took her work onto the verandah's dappled light while birds dunked in & out of the birdbath & shook themselves in paroxyms of joy.
The sun gradually receeded with the tide leaving the sea grass beds exposed. The last of the light glinted of the leaf tips & the world grew colder, sharp with brine & mud & the lingering aftertaste of rich sunlight. Wouldn't have missed it for worlds!
Thank you for that moment. I wish another and hope you get it.
I love the way you write when you are describing the natural world.
Sandra: Thank you. Another lovely morning today! ☺
Seeking: I just love God's world ~ before we spoilt bits of it. His thumbprints are all over it. ☺
I enjoyed reading this post... I got lost in your description. We have had it far too wet here, and would love a little bit of that 'honey' you described lol.
my mum, who is further north than us, has been very wet too. I know we need the rain but a little sunshine does so lift the soul! ☺
Yep, beautiful. Thanks for sharing. It bucketed here...
lol, Jeanne. Just what you needed, right? ☺
Re the reference to honey; I'm going to see Leonard Cohen in November. Hope he's not pushing up the daisies by then :-)
What a lovely description. You know, I still have a slight pause when I hear you say the opposite season that we are in. I am a home school mom, I should know these things! LOL...
Enjoy each day.
Mum guess what; Sally went into labour this morning around 8:30 and gave birth around 9:30. We now have another amazing boy cria on the farm! I was on my own and so scared. Triple Peaks owner was still away and her next door neighbour was out. It was really important for me that Sally had a good birthing as last time she lost her first baby after 4days. Everything went so well and smoothly, Praise The Lord, and Triple Peaks owner is now back on the farm. I have heaps of pics and will post them on f/b when I get the time. The little Alpaca is so adorable. It has been a pleasure watching mum and cria!!!
Where are you dear friend???? Have you gone walk-about again? LOL Hope you're having a blast, whatever you are doing ;)
wish i was there..........
Mum's computer has issues... Just letting ya all know!
Lovely - its amazing how the sun makes us feel happy.
Hope your computer is better! Loved this post. It's the same here - soaking up the sun after a long. cold spring :0)
Ganeida, I am so missing you! I am praying that you will be back online soon...like yesterday!
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