Ditz & I were immersed in her history ~ well I was immersed; Ditz...who knows? We were occupied when I noticed this rather large pigeon happily ensconced on the verandah railing. Ditz immediately declared it a dove but it is in fact a white headed pigeon & rather shy, shy enough that sightings are rare.
It is also a dope. For whatever reason this mad bird decided that Camphor Laurels were good tucker. Camphor Laurels are an introduced species & councils all over the country are busily trying to eradicate them after the birds had merrily spread their seed all through the native bush creating a massive weed infestation of ~ you guessed it: Camphor Laurels! Unfortunately bird numbers decreased with the removal of the Camphor Lauurels & as these birs only lay one egg replacement numbers are on the slow side.
I know the one we saw was a male because the white was very white & the dark back had a green sheen to it. Females are greyer & lack the sheen.
These guys like tropical & subtropical rainforest so I'm not sure what they were doing round here. We're not really either. They are really secretive & wary too, usually hiding in the dense canopy rather than perching out in the open as this one was. Issi was very interested but eventually turned his back & went back to sleep in the sunshine. The pigeon is a fruit eater so that might be why he was round & I'm pretty sure he's whatever is making all the racket at night that's keeping me awake. I'm used to Mopokes, bitterns, screeching curlews ~ & several other species ~ all carousing under my window all night, every night. What disturbs me is the unfamiliar & something is making an odd & unholy racket in the wee sma's. Now that I think I've figured out what is making the noise I'll sleep better. I think. Hope. Hopefully.
Quite a lovely bird!
That bird is just beautiful, and I hope that now you know what is causing the noise you will sleep better.
He is a very handsome bird.
Seeking: He was lovely & such a surprise. I get such a kick out of ocassionally seeing rare visitors to this area.
Birbitt: me too! ☺ I usually sleep like a log but such odd noises!
Rose: Welcome! Very handsome. We see rarer species all the time but they have no novelty value. lol
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