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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unpopular Opinions & Politically Incorrect ideas.

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings." ~ Barak Obama

Ever notice the media has a thing about the world not being big enough for all of us?  We gotta reduce the numbers, don'tcha know, because it's not sustainable.  Zero Population.  One Child Policies.  Condoms for India & mass sterilization for whoever *they* can convince needs it.  I have 5 kids so I guess you can figure what I think of this one. And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." ~ [Genesis1:28] .  And that being the case I loved this post!  Pause for thought.

Which brings me to an even less popular thought; we are being out~populated because instead of following the biblical mandate we're following man's.  What the Ottoman Empire failed to achieved back in the 13th century they look like achieving by default in the 20th simply by having more babies. Don't believe me?  Have a look at some of the birth stats: 40% of all births in France, for example, are now to Muslim women.  It doesn't require a mathematical geniuses to see where this lands us ~ eventually.

And if one dare, and most won't, express a politically incorrect opinion there are shrieks & cries of racism, religious intolerance, ethnic hatred & all the rest ~ which is insane when you consider Christianity is the only religion others can dump on with impunity & without fear of reprisals.  So, for the record, I do not hate Muslims.  However I know my history. The stated aim of Islam is to bring the whole world into subjection to Islam & to this end a Muslim is allowed to lie, cheat, even murder with impunity because there is a declared jihad against all infidels ~ like you & me. *sigh*  Can't get more politically incorrect than that.

Scare mongering?  Bigotry? Well Daniel talked about this.  And Ezekiel. Isaiah, John ~ book after biblical book talks about the harlotry Israel committed with the surrounding nations, about how God dealt with that ~ & about how He will continue to deal with it.  What is happening in the middle east just now was foretold centuries before Christ was born.  Because all the nations surrounding Israel are Islamic.  What's more, without reading a word, Islamic allegiance is declared symbolically because you see it everywhere in the Islamic nations: the crescent moon.  Even I get this one.  Archaeology, people.  The crescent moon belongs to the mother goddess; to Ishtar, to Andaste; to Manat.   From the middle east through Asia minor & into Europe you will find the crescent moon depicted on artifacts & in every case it denotes mother goddess worship ~ however that transmuted over time.  You will also find it in certain Catholic & Anglican artifacts ~ which is another story again.

And the point of these politically incorrect meanderings?  We still have a little time; not much, but a little, in which to strengthen ourselves in the Lord.  When the world as we know it starts coming tumbling down Christians are not going to be magically wafted out of the mess.  God didn't refrain Nero from using Christians as human torches to light his garden parties & He didn't stop countless scores of men, women & children perishing in the arena to die by lion or sword.  What He did do was give them courage for the journey.  They went singing praises to their martyrdom.

Which is why speculation about which bits of the bible people believe bothers me so much.  I know the savagery depicted biblically about the end times is accurate.  It is not, unfortunately, metaphorical.  It means exactly what it says.  I may not always know exactly what it means but God does & we have been warned to prepare ourselves; to count the cost; to walk by the Spirit.  We will need to.


Ruby said...

Great post you linked to. The statistics re Muslim birth rates as compared to the various countries own eg France, England, Germany etc. and here as well, are truly eye opening. Perish the thought that we all come under Sharia law.

Ganeida said...

You & I, Ruby, would not last long under Sharia law. As the red Queen squealed,"Off with their heads!" The lady I linked to is in her 80's. Mind clear as a bell.

Ganeida said...

Um, not sure which link you were referring to. Assumed it was the first but on 2nd thoughts....

Anonymous said...

A very thought provoking post, as always. I remember you once mentioned listening to Chuck Swindoll; are there other pastors that you like to listen to? Ones that you would recommend as true to the Bible? Much appreciated.

Ruby said...

Dorothy Vining. So that is the signifigance of the crossed out numbers??!!

Ganeida said...

Anonymous:I read Richard Foster over & over. He's a Quaker but draws from multiple denominational traditions & his thoughts on the spiritual disciplines & prayer are easy to read, understand & impliment.

I also like John MacArthur ~ though I disagree with him on one or 2 things. He is a line by line preacher & vey thorough. His scriptual knowledge is incredibly deep & he gave the best teaching on the Prodigal son I've ever heard.

I also like Derek Prince & David Wilkerson ~ who have both stood the test of time. Wilkerson was incredibly accurate prophetically & I like what Paul Washer has to say about the false gospel. He has an important message for the complacent church.

When it comes to end times stuff I have found Walid Shoebat to make the most sense of anyone I've read or listened to. His books are a little verbose but he has a number of clips on~line & he is a highly entertaining & intelligent speaker who crams his sessions with information.

No~one has it 100% right so always, always, no matter who it is, check what you read or hear against the scriptures & with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Everyone has their blind spots.

It is a fairly ecclectic mix but people seem to specialise in particular areas & I like to read around. ☺

Ganeida said...

Ruby: Indeed! ☺ Beautiful clarity of thought, don'tcha think?

Ganeida said...

Um, Anon: a word of warning on Washer. I like him. Some understand him to preach a *works salvation* or *Lordship salvation* [?]. I don't. I understand him to say that genuine salvation results in a radically changed life ~ that this is how we can know for sure we are saved. I also belive this is part of what the bible teaches about salvation. The confusion arises in part, I believe, because people stop at the first bit & then don't progress to address the other issues of salvation ~ like working out our salvation in fear & trembling; picking up our cross; dying to self. Yes, salvation is a free gift but it was never given to be abused because we are too lazy & selfish to do what God asks od us! I believe every believer produces friut ~ & it is by their fruits we will know them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of the recommendations, very grateful.

Amanda said...

I always like your politically incorrect posts!

Ganeida said...

Amanda! I didn't know you were still reading here! lol How lovely to *see* you! *big cheesey grin*

seekingmyLord said...

I have read quite some apocalyptic fiction books of late, enjoyable reads but frightening. We must live in the Kingdom at hand, so that we can see and accept the earthly purpose before us. I am not so sure I am up for the task just yet...or that I ever will be.

Finding Joy said...

You have certainly given us food for thought.

Just my 2 cents on the population - even though 7 million can fit comfortably they don't fit comfortably where they are located due to lack of space, food and water. The "haves" perhaps have too much and the "have nots" have too little - the balance is way off, as a result the population of planet becomes a concern. Within a few decades India will be the most populated country in the world and it won't be until 2050 that it will start to slow - all this billions need to be fed and housed. Sadly India has a long way to go to care for its poor. Demography is such a complex issue, it isn't quite as simple as Dorothy Vining portrays it

Have a lovely weekend

Joyfulmum said...

Good thought provoking and deep As I've come to expect when I click on your blog !
Interesting times we live to keep on keeping on .....

Joyfulmum said...

And hello to Amanda if I may:) been thinking of you recently, nice to see you again:)

Ganeida said...

Jo:Oh, I agree. I was simply taken with the *availability of space* aspect. Enough for everyone's need, not everyone's greed. Greed is the problem. I don't know how you sort out the demographics but then I think Aussies are insane. We cling to the coast annhilating all the good available fertile soil when there is a desolate waste in the middle that wouldn't be in the least affected by huge cities sprouting up on it. Now some environmentalist will take me to task but I live in one of the *food bowl* areas & it should be criminal neglience what has been done round here!

Rosemary: Oh dear. :( I find so much of what is going on interesting. Not comfortable but endlessly fascinating.