Do you ever want to just disembark?
I mean seriously. There's all these Christians out there who get their jollies from telling the devil just where he gets off, all backed with Jesus authority & everything. Me? I have issues being in the firing line of anything. Squabbles, upsets, rows, fights ~ never mind a war! ~ & I have major staying power problems. You know the whole Flight, Fight or Freeze thing? Flight is always my preferred option. I just never got why it is so much fun to wade in boots & all & toss grenades round about [spiritual or otherwise.]
Just so you know, God has been busy digging me out from under my rock, giving me a backbone, setting me on my rather wobbly feet, handing me my sword & standing just so, so I can't retreat back under that rock. *sigh* Man. I thought when the bible talked about being a soldier for Christ it was metaphorical! I'm a little slow sometimes. Really I am. I'm a Lit major. I live in my head ~ with the pixies. [All right Liddy, that will do. Just 'cause you don't have any imaginary friends!]
Apart from anything else I have a little trouble living in 2 worlds at once. I get confused. This one is hard enough without any intrusions from the spiritual realms [yeah, I thought that was metaphorical too ~ it's just easier that way!] So I am a little preoccupied just now, one way or the other. It's not that I don't love you guys, it's just I don't have any energy to spare & you really don't what to listen to me whinge & whine & generally carry on. Really you don't. Pity. I'm really up there in the whinging & whining department.
You know, I am beginning to think we are spiritual twins or something. I much I prefer peace to conflict, but I have never thought of myself a pacifist. The past two days, I was wondering how one can be a true pacifist as a Christian, particularly when picked on by invisible, evil bullies.
I don't mind your whinging and whining so email or Skype when you can. I did see your request in my comments and I am on it.
Thank you my friend. ♥ I am good just, meh. So scintillating & sparkly. ☺
Put on your full armour, soldier!
I will keep praying for you. God gives us a spirit of peace and a sound mind.
Ganeida, I feel like that at times too for sure! Praying for refreshing for you.....
Amanda: Thank you my friend. You comment came through to my e~mail.
Ruby: Armour's on, I'm just a woos about having to fight.
Rosemary: Ta. Season...this too will pass.
Ganeida, where's my comment?? I'm scratching my head because it's gone :( Sometimes my comments post twice on blogger and when I can, I remove the duplicate but this doesn't appear to be the case... I had very sore eyes on the weekend, I mean majorly tired ones, so who knows what I saw through them! LOL
Can't remember what I said but glad you got it one way or another ;)
Amanda: I was so surprised when I saw it was gone! I thought you'd done it & was a little surprised you'd felt the need to remove it ~ so pleased you've solved that little mystery in part! lol Now I can stop being paranoid that I've said or done something to upset you. Tired. It makes me super sensitive to any perceived criticism.
It is all very hard isn't it, I am polite but at our age, maybe we are the ones who have to speak, I don't know yet. I don't bother thinking about the devil in the attacks. Obviously some things are very devil like, relentless sometimes. But who cares, I am not going to bother telling him to remove himself in Jesus name. I have come to appreciate the scripture about the sound mind though. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." It has come to mean more to me than it did before with a different meaning.
I giggled just as hard this morning when I read this as I did last night :) hehehehe EVIL DAUGHTER!
awww Ganeida, I get that way too at times (as if you didn't know ;-) LOL)
No, I was not/am not at all upset with you... you're too lovely for that lol. I think I have been on the computer too much at night because I had such aching eyes every time I came on the laptop. I had to keep going to bed early because my eyes felt so tired... never had that happen before, to the extreme it did on the weekend. Could hardly read /comment on any blogs. I think I must have thought it posted twice, dunno. Never mind, we can all breathe easy now hahahaha.
There was a thing St Francis said, about resisting temptation. He said most people try to overcome it, but another approach is to become humble and small enough to slip underneath it. I've found that sometimes to be a help with a variety of types of struggle, cos like you I am not a confronter - my only conflict technique is 'leave'.
Thinking of you sister - it sounds as though times are a bit rough xx
Linda: Me too. I'm just not very good at the spiritual warfare stuff & it annoys me because it distracts me from the other stuff.
Amanda: we're all good then. ☺
Ember: A lot of it's not us directly. More what is going on around us & friends. It is just wearing & annoying.
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