Do you ever want to just disembark?
I mean seriously. There's all these Christians out there who get their jollies from telling the devil just where he gets off, all backed with Jesus authority & everything. Me? I have issues being in the firing line of anything. Squabbles, upsets, rows, fights ~ never mind a war! ~ & I have major staying power problems. You know the whole Flight, Fight or Freeze thing? Flight is always my preferred option. I just never got why it is so much fun to wade in boots & all & toss grenades round about [spiritual or otherwise.]
Just so you know, God has been busy digging me out from under my rock, giving me a backbone, setting me on my rather wobbly feet, handing me my sword & standing just so, so I can't retreat back under that rock. *sigh* Man. I thought when the bible talked about being a soldier for Christ it was metaphorical! I'm a little slow sometimes. Really I am. I'm a Lit major. I live in my head ~ with the pixies. [All right Liddy, that will do. Just 'cause you don't have any imaginary friends!]
Apart from anything else I have a little trouble living in 2 worlds at once. I get confused. This one is hard enough without any intrusions from the spiritual realms [yeah, I thought that was metaphorical too ~ it's just easier that way!] So I am a little preoccupied just now, one way or the other. It's not that I don't love you guys, it's just I don't have any energy to spare & you really don't what to listen to me whinge & whine & generally carry on. Really you don't. Pity. I'm really up there in the whinging & whining department.