I have this cat; a big, boofy, sook of a cat who has been known to cry inconsolably when deprived of my company. I have a gentle loving moggy who guards me like a tiger but there is another side to Mr Issi. Mr Issi is something of a Jekyll & Hyde.
It is well known that cats chase things: mice & balls & pieces of string. The occasional cat will hunt snakes with single minded devotion. Very few will take on a full grown goanna. The largest goanna I've seen around here was over 8'. Ones between 4' & 5 ' are common ~ too big for most cats. Not for Iss apparently. Ditz reports that while Dearest & I were on the mainland last week Iss took a flying leap of our verandah to grab the tail of one of these monsters. The lizard, not surprisingly & taken unawares, shot up the nearest tree with Iss clinging determinedly to his tail.
I think my cat is short the full quid. A roo short in the top paddock. A slice short of a full loaf. Brainless. My neighbours are complaining. All our neighbours own dogs. Little yappy dogs. I'm not a dog person but I'm not adverse to dogs ~ just the little yappy pretend versions of dogs. Whatever. Live & let live is my motto but my neighbours will walk their dogs past our place, parading by as if they own the whole section.
Now Iss is an alpha male. I've never met a cat who is so determinedly territorial & the sight of all these little yappy things parading past his house with their tails in the air & their snouts to the ground fuels Issi's testosterone. He has spied out the land. He has found sniper positions. He has initiated guerrilla tactics. He knows the enemy & he knows where they live. At the appointed times he sneaks out of the house, takes up his position & waits...waits till the dog has passed him then leaps onto it's back. More than one dog has had a whole batch of kittens right there on the spot becoming completely hysterical.
My cat is quite wicked my neighbours tell me but I don't walk my cat past their houses with his tail carried high & his nose sniffing excitedly. [I take no responsibility for what Iss does himself.] Of course they could walk the other way but our end of the road has all the vacant paddocks where dogs can do their doggy business & they do all know Iss lives here. So do their dogs. The dogs are starting to sink to their bellies & drag at the leash anywhere near our place. I think Iss is a bit of a bully. Do they do reform school for cats?
I don't think a reform school would help! Bad cat, bad. Nope, won't work. : )
Hmm...funny. I love cats and grew up with scores of them about, but am allergic to them. Doesn't stop us. We took one stray in and made it a ferral home and eventually it took residence in our entryway. It is fat, I mean bigger than our yappy dog. Yes, we have a yappy dog. I SAID I'd never have another one in the house. We seem to have an appt. to look at one as a side kick this weekend. How does this happen to me....? I totally understand the dislike of dogs. I seem to be a sucker for bringing about anything home these days, though. :)
Love your photo of the little personality.
Jan Lyn
I had an alpha dog like this! Another dog was not even allowed to *look* at his yard. He was parameter rained, but he would break training to teach another dog a lesson. The lose dogs still avoid our yard even though he died two years ago. The dog we have now is dog friendly, but they don't know that.
Now my cat is also alpha, but he has calmed down some after the alpha dog. He used to run to the door and attack people coming in and I mean jump right on them, not just go after their ankles--seriously!--but he gave up on competing with the dog. Now he waits until they are comfortably seated and then he pounces on them quite aggressively. I am just thankful he doesn't bite them, like he bites me! He is into the rough stuff when he shows affection.
Oops! That is supposed to read parameter trained, not parameter rained.
I also have a cat. And this cat found the stinkiest, wettest place on the whole dairy farm behind us and apparently rolled in it. Then he waited by our door until we came home in the dark and unsuspectingly let him in. He proceeded to march upstairs as if he smelled like this every day and thought we should just put up with it. He threw a major temper tantrum about having a bath, so now he is shut in a bathroom for the night. He is too wet and it is too cold for him to be put outside tonight. But in the morning he will definitely be put back outside to air out. I hope he has learned his lesson!
Too funny! I am a dog person, but I am afraid that my little toy poodle only qualifies as a pretend version of a dog albeit not a yappy one. Hubby calls her my handbag on legs because she goes everywhere with me - tucked under an arm! Sorry.
Sandra: lol When I go away Iss takes it out on Dearest ~ to the point of meddling with Dearest's expensive stamps. Dearest has been known to chase him round the house threatening murder ~ which brings Iss up quick smart!
Jan Lyn: We had a dally. Beautiful dog but she required more maintainance than I can spare so no more dogs. ☺
Seeking: Ours growls like a bull mastiff at people he doesn't like. Freezes them to the spot. lol
Rose: Poor Puss. I hope he recovers.
Jeanne: I actually like poodles so long as they're not neurotic. Ditz's flute teacher has a lovely one. We have a mutal admiration society. Handbag on legs is too funny.
I dislike yappy little dogs myself, but am downright scared of the big Rottweiler types.
I wonder how your Iss and my boys'd get along. Not terribly well, I'm guessing;)
Guess I'll have to leave them behind when I make that surprise visit to see you, huh?
I love this post! :)
I don't do little yappy dogs either. I am a total dog person...but not yappy ones.
Iss riding around on the back of a yappy dog? Now that would be a sight big enough for me to hop a plane, fly 20+ hours and have a hootin' big laugh over!!!
MrsC: Rottweilers are fine. It's Labs I really don't like. Unpleasant childhood memories.
Persuaded: Your boys fish? Iss will adore them. lol
Britwife. I posted [on one of the crashed blogs] about the day Ii leapt off the car roof onto a stray poodle! I thought the poodle was going to have a heart attack but it's never been back. Apparrently though, according to one neighbour, Iss often gets his dogs twice; on the way down & then on the way back! lol
We have two cats, one who just loves her people, and the other....well her people tolerate her as she is a nasty, moody little girl. In all seriousness I love my cats and they too are quite teritorrial as the dog can not enter the children's bedroom without being attacked since that is their sleeping space!
He grabbed a goanna's tail?! Okay, mine are all a little wacky, but I don't think any of them would even consider walking TOWARD one of those creatures, never mind trying to CATCH it LOL :-o
Hi Ganeida,
Our cats love catching mice, rats, rabbits and snakes, but I doubt that even they would tackle a goanna???
Have a great week,
Jillian ♥
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