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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Girls. You never know what they're going to think. J.D. Salinger.

My girls have gone away without me. Just for a day or so. Up to my mum's but I miss them.. No~one bleating over my shoulder that I've had the computer quite long enough & surely it's her turn now. No~one running through the house yelling, "I'm late [I'm late for a very important date] can you make me breakfast? Can you find my shoes? My locker keys? My belt? Come on! mum; we need to go, like NOW!"

Instead we had Dino who only noticed his sisters' absence as he was about to depart leaving behind all these horrible fishy smells. The cat has been in mourning. He hates his people being away, even the one that threatens to deport him to kitty care for attacking her toes & the one that says, "That cat doesn't love me!" I swear, my whole house is neurotic! Fancy caring what the cat thinks. Does the cat think?

I will head up for a week with my mother at the end of the month. After school has gone back. When we should be back too. Ditz will be so happy. I like making Ditz happy. After that we will be back running like headless chooks doing music. Do headless chooks do music? Apparently they do in this house. Ditz left with clear instructions that I was not to touch her room so what excuse do you think I can give for going in there & removing all the dirty laundry so I could wash it on the odd day the sun actually shone. Oh yes; Issi made me do it!


Siano said...

Yes, darl; the cat thinks :-) Trust me on this; my uni course said so :P

Ganeida said...

Ah, but *what* does he think?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ganeida,
Our cat thinks - and hides, especially when we have a house full of little girls, like today. Do you think that we could find him - no way, but after a half an hour of hunting, we eventually did - under the flap on the back of the lounge suite. I then took him into my bedroom where he spent the rest of the afternoon under the bed. :P

He absolutely detests visitors, and is rather a recluse. :D Yes, our cat thinks!

Have a great week,

Unknown said...

Certainly the cat thinks, the cat thinks it's least mine do! They are determined that they are entitled to my dinner, my bed, and they both agree that the dog should be sent away for good! :) Our cats too hate visitors...unless said visitor happens to be allergic to cats then they can't seem to stay away.

Mrs. Darling said...

I cant stand cats. Weeellll there is the one gorgeous feline that sits on my back fence that I've become rather fond of but she belongs to the neighbor. Bet if I knew that cat up close Id hate her too. lol