I can't believe that this term is already over. It has been a really short term & we don't seem to have achieved much though I've certainly been running around as much as usual.
As is traditional for Easter it looks like being wet ~ as in sodden, drenched, soaking wet. As in damp all through the house. As in piles of laundry to the ceiling. As in good weather for ducks & not much else.
The girls & I had been going to go camping. I pulled the plug on that. Camping in the pouring wet is no fun at all. Worse is the clean up afterwards, especially if there is no dry weather for doing it. So my poor mother, who leaves for Sydney on Easter Sunday, has agreed to accommodate us for the Easter weekend until she leaves. As Ditz's music schedule picks up pace from now on we may not get another opportunity to visit for quite some time but giving us bed & breakfast is a rather different thing to a flying visit for morning tea. However she is luckier than she knows.
Theo announced last night that he wouldn't be here for the weekend. Oh? No, he was going to spend his long weekend with ma. Really? The girls & I just looked at him. He was thinking of inviting Liddy to go with him. We began to giggle because Liddy owns a car & Theo does not.
'You do realise,' Liddy said cooly, 'That we will all be at ma's?'
'You can still come.' [snicker, snicker.]
We explained kindly that ma wasn't even going to be around for the full weekend & we would be departing very early Sunday morning & doing a day trip, weather permitting & by God's grace, out to Bribie Island ~ the only bridged island in Queensland & somewhere Liddy's been itching to go for ages.
Somehow I think the lad will make alternative arrangements. Now I'm just waiting to be told that Dino is thinking of going to Ma's for Easter too. I swear, the people in this house don't communicate!
hee hee hee...;)
Best laid plans and all that!
Oh that is funny! Thats what happens though with adult kids around, every one runs in opposite directions and sometimes they go in circles enough that they actually end up at the same place. LOL
It isn't only the older children that do that! My 11 year old son informed me this morning, "I have a field trip today, so I need a packed lunch and a ride home after school." This was about 5 minutes before the bus came.
*grin* ...you guys communicate like Blair and I do LOL ... or... don't! :-P
Oooo....I checked out the Bribie link... parasailing!!! I've always wanted to do that!! It looks like such fun!! Enough exclamation points for ya??
Oh yeah, and Easter.. which I'd forgotten was coming until a few days ago... we're not going away or anything... I s'pose I should plan something along the lines of a proper Easter supper... what's that expression about things worth doing are worth doing at the very last minute? *grin*
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