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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We prayed for rain & God gave us rain ~ by the bucket load, the barrow full, the sky full until the tanks overflowed, the dams over ran & the rivers burst their banks. The drought seems to have ended.

I woke this morning to a pristine new washed day glittering with sunshine. It doesn't come much better than this. I am going to go & garden & while I'm at it I will give thanks that in this world we get mornings such as this.


Anonymous said...

Praise God for the rain!

We, too, have been praying for rain, but God has been blessing us with sunshine instead. He knows that I don't like the cold, I guess, nevertheless some rain would be nice.

Praise Him for the sunshine, too!

Mrs. Darling said...

I cant imagine praying for rain! LOl But your glimpse into the rain washed day is good for me. I forgot how wonderful rain can be! Thats easy to do when it rains every day for nine months!Oh well, it has to rain somewhere so it may as well be here. :)So glad you got your rain! God is good.

MamaOlive said...

Having lived in both Texas, where it rains every 3 months, and Iceland, where it rains 5 days a week, I can appreciate both rain and sunshine. I enjoy the changes in weather as well.

Sandra said...

I'm glad you got your rain. We are enjoying a beautiful day, but we need some rain. It's in the forecast for the weekend, so hopefully it will come to pass.

Britwife said...

Now start praying with us Minnesotans for rain! We really, REALLY, need it.