"You gotta dance like nobody's watching, dream like you will live forever, live like you're going to die tomorrow and love like it's never going to hurt." Meme Grifsters
Jillian, over at Homeschooling4Christ, has tagged me for a meme, which is lovely but the thing with meme's is how to make them interesting rather than just a list. So lets see...hmmmm....8 things I did yesterday.
Well yesterday I was travelling...with Liddy...& Ditz...in Liddy's car...but you knew that already. What I didn't tell you is that Liddy diverted me into a 2nd hand shop ~ & then couldn't get me out. They had books. Lots of books. Thick books. I bought one; On the Side of Angels.
And we went to the movies. I told you that. What I didn't tell you is I weep at sad endings; always. Every single time. No matter how corny it is. It was very corny. I cried & Ditz laughed at me. *sigh*. Sometimes I hate being the emotional sort.
Oh, & I hugged my mother goodbye. My mother is smaller than everybody. I've been taller than her since I was about 10 years old. I can remember watching the inches as I crept up to her height then began to look down on her. It was weird when my daughters did the same thing to me. Seriously. I always thought I was tall & I'm actually not. My mother is short; shorter than short. Every time I wrap my arms about my mother I appreciate the fact she's still round to be hugged.
I played with my cat. Until you've been loved by a cat with personality you haven't been loved. Issi has loads of personality. He danced up to me letting me know he'd missed me, letting me know he was ready to be chased round the room, flopping on his back so I could rub his belly & tickle his paws while he purred. Yep. Being welcomed home by Iss is a welcome fit for any queen.
I assessed the damage. Leaving home for 3 days can be disastrous round here. When I got home only Dearest & Issi were here & I'm pretty sure Iss isn't responsible for the stove top I had to scrape clean or the loads of washing I had to put through the machine. Nope. Not Iss.
I ordered a grenadine at lunch. This intrigued both girls who were horrified by the colour, the cream sitting on top & the taste. My poor drink did the rounds before I got it. What can I say? I've eaten & drunk some really odd things in my travels. Grenadine does not rate as one of them.
I walked bare foot along a beach with the surf curling around my ankles & the foam frothing. The ebb made me queasy. When I mentioned this Liddy looked at me as if I was quite mad. Ditz understood completely. She was having trouble staying upright herself. Thank goodness for Ditz!
I travelled on a boat. This is not unusual but I always enjoy listening to the engine throb under me as the mangroves slide past knowing that I am going home at last.
Eight shows I watch....?! Sorry. Should have asked about books. I very occasionally watch the Mentalist, on the rare occasions I'm home on a Wednesday night, but I don't like t.v & rarely watch it.
8 things I wish I could do...
Visit Skara Brae. Next time I'm in Scotland. That's two in one. I loved Scotland & I want to go back. When I go back I want to do all the islands ending at Skara Brae. And I want to visit the Edinburgh museum & look at the oldest harps they have there & the harp keys. You don't want to know what I know about these harps.
Publish at least one of my books....yes, well. Writing them is not a problem but I seriously loath editing so any volunteers please leave your mark & I'll get back to you.
Do the 3 day hike from O'Reilly's to the Gold Coast. This one is at least plausible & I have some hope of achieving it in a reasonable time frame.
Have a bakers dozen in cats. Thirteen is my number. Cats are my animal. Dearest just rolls his eyes & says Iss would never agree to it. Nor he would but I have my methods, Watson.
Learn more Gaelic than the odd swear word. I'm telling you this is not conducive to an intelligent conversation but Gaelic is much harder than French & my French is pretty appalling too. Another language I can swear in better than I speak it. Wonder if there's something in that?
Study archaeology seriously...in my next life, maybe? I can't see how I fit in archaeological digs around schooling Ditz & running her to & from music because if I could figure out a way to do it I'd be in Scotland now with my trusty trowel & a fine sieve trolling round some Pictish standing stone & making outlandish guess at what it all means.
I am supposed to nominate 8 others to do this but knowing how busy you all are & that some of you don't do memes I'm leaving this up to you. If you'd like to play leave a linkie. I'm on holidays. I have plenty of time to play. ;)