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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Monday, September 12, 2011

The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson

I am so over being without the internet. All my friends live in my computer & I have lots & lots to say but no way to say it! Our provider is so awful that contract or no contract we are ditching them. We have tried twice to sort the problem but just get outsourced to somewhere where no~one speaks understandable English & just want to tell us things that aren't true. Over it.

Thankfully FB still worked so I have been able to tentatively keep in touch with Liddy & will update to the Chile page as soon as I can. Briefly the girl is safe in Chile. She has seen her first llama, which for some reason was hugely exciting. She has made her first child contact on the streets, more understandably exciting. She is sharing a room with 3 other girls & has the bottom bunk! She is now very happy she took her Doona cover with her because it's like she has a little piece of home with her. She has done 2 prayer & fast days since leaving home & for someone who loves her food & whose first thought when she wakes up involves investigating the kitchen, that is a hard penance indeed!

Meanwhile I have been reading, reading, reading. Speak no Evil on the Nickle Mines shootings. Plain Secrets ~ on the difficulties in relationship between the Amish & the rest of us. Something on Shamanism that Star borrowed & was never in a thousand fits actually going to read ~ but which I found fascinating! Archaeology, people, not some New Age gibberish. Half of Star's reading matter ~ much to her distress because I read faster than she does & know more about her reading material! National Velvet ~ for school. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty because we have been looking at the short story. If you've read it, was he henpecked or a spy? Maybe both?

We have looked at Bonaparte for school & not because we are very interested in his battles which were very messy & bloody & frankly boring because one war is pretty much just like the next; only the causality count changes. Nope, the man was a fascinating egomaniac who is on record as saying that he couldn't see an empty throne without wanting to sit on it ~ which explains a great deal. Brought on, perhaps, by the 48 cups of coffee he drank daily. And besides meddling in the governments of multiple nations he designed the Italian flag & lost Waterloo due to his hemorrhoids. There is more. I am considering posting our multiple choice paper so you all too can enjoy the absolute bizarreness of Napoleon Bonaparte!

Star has wrestled with her maths. Dino dug up the front yard & he & I went to the mainland in the tinnie to get supplies. The wind chose to howl across the bay at 25 knots. It was very rough ~ both ways. I eyed the shore askance calculating whether I could ditch my heavy jacket & ugg boots in sufficient time to make it to shore before drowning. I splurged on a raspberry cane & pomegranate because I adore raspberries & pomegranates & you can never buy them fresh. Dino bought a peach tree. We picked up bags & bags of chicken manure & more bags of horsie poo. We bought beans & peas & corn, lettuce, watermelon, rockmelon, celery, capsicum, 2 sorts of tomatoes ~ & God willing we will get a return in produce so it will all have been worth it!

Um, Star is driving. The very first thing she did was put my little red island rocket in the ditch. Luckily the ditch was shallow & I was able to reverse it out without trouble & on the whole Star's driving has been good. Better by miles than Liddy's. It was ages before Liddy stopped wandering all over the road & refrained from driving *at* objects & people. Star hugs the left & my biggest problem is stopping her from riding the selvage. However I tend to break out in a massive sweat every time Star takes off. Her overweening confidence is shattering. So far she is just driving me up to the shops & back. At this stage Liddy was still confined to the backroads because she was a road hazard. If we can get her up to speed ~ which means keeping her head in traffic, reversing & parking without giving me heart failure, smoother take offs without the occasional stall, then she can start driving on the mainland. I break out in a sweat just thinking about it!
And for those who want to see us in action....
Enjoy, people.


Libby said...

Just so you know my driving style is perfect for over here. If you think I'm bad then I recommended taking a drive with a native in Chile :)

MamaOlive said...

Enjoyed the videos immensely!

Julie said...

Sooooo glad to have you back. I missed your posts. And the videos were great - we love those accents. I have a letter begun as well...

God bless you all!

Ganeida said...

Lobstar: I saw all I want of Spanish driving in Spain ~ particularly your father's!!!

MamaO: Godd as I will take the link down shortly! ☺

Julie: Oh dear :( The accents. They aren't typically Aussie you know....

seekingmyLord said...

Ganeida, SKYPE ME!!!!

I am thinking that it is a good thing to confine Star's driving to the island. It is easier to notify the residents in advance there; the mainland would need an all points bulletin.

I have missed you sooooooo much and I am so glad that you were still in contact with Libby. I was worried about that.

Joyfulmum said...

lovely to hear and catch up with all that's going in your world. I've been absent as well due to a busy period. you had me laughing so much through this esp about Napolean, who knew that about him, I certainly didn't!
oh yes all that outsourcing to India is awful isn't it!!! (tongue in cheek).
I saw a documentary recently about how the Indians are exploited over there in these call centres by the mega companies, makes me think twice now about not complaining about them, it was very very sad!

Finding Joy said...

So good to have you back, I was missing your messages. You are very brave being out on a boat when it is rough - this is why I don't live on an island (I can't swim very well).

If I drank 48 cups of coffee I would be very hypo to say the least and have no need for sleep.

Good to have you back:)

Ganeida said...

Rosemary: Of course that is the other side. I might be more sympathetic if the men didn't patronise me...

Thank you, Jo! ☺ I am still trying to catch up as I missed everyone's posts so much & we are just incredibly busy.