"There isn't much that I can do, but I can share an hour with you, and I can share a joke with you....as on our way we go." ---Maude V. Preston

The cats weren't happy. They knew something was up this morning. The sun was barely above the horizon & Star was up & showered. Not functional, but pottering about like the living dead. Marlow was so paranoid he practically glued himself to my heels! Kirby watched the car pull away with the look that says, "
If looks could kill..."
We were off to Star's favourite Brisbane street, the one where some creepy old man decided to approach her in ways that still make the hair rise at the nape of my neck, the street where a much younger Star voiced over loud puzzlement about why the *lady* in the very short, very tight mini skirt needed to clean her teeth in a public restroom, the street, I found out today, that has something called *The Den* that we had to walk past. In broad daylight. Displaying ....well, I'm not sure what because neither Star nor I were looking.

Past the Old Museum, known to us from music concerts.....

And up the hill. This, believe it or not, is a hospital. Ok, so it's the old part & so old they don't actually use it as a hospital any more. There is a perfectly modern building behind here but as it's nowhere near as interesting I'm only showing you the interesting bit! lol . Besides, we got lost in here, meandering round & round despite asking several different people how to get where we needed to be because where we needed to be was here....

Ruby very kindly gave me a description of herself so I would recognise her but when I finally met her all I saw was her smile. She has the most wonderful smile! She forgot to mention that! We had a very lovely couple of hours. There were no awkward silences. We found we actually still liked each other as real people, not just as blogging buddies. I'm not good with meeting new people for the first time. Paranoia is my friend. Ruby made it so easy for me, greeting me like a long lost friend that she knew very well ~ which I guess, in a sense, is true. We shared & got to know each other a little bit better & now when I read Ruby's blog I will hear it in her voice, with the smile in it...
We passed the cameras to Star to catch the moment for prosperity & share with those of you not as blessed as we were today. I am so happy Ruby risked meeting up with me ~ & so sorry for those of you who haven't met Ruby yet. She is lovely: warm, sweet, nurturing, Oh, & the best bit. She likes me!
A big THANK YOU to Star who went & got the coffees so we could say chatting & endured the two of us going a million miles an hour so that Star, who is no slouch in the verbal diarrhea department herself, had absolutely no hope of getting a word in edgewise!
Thank you, Ruby, for being my friend. ♥
OK.... well you can color me jealous. so yeah.
OK, now that I'm done pouting, I'm off to visit this darling Ruby. Any friend of Ganeida is a friend of mine, after all♥
Oh, I am barely off the plan and you've blogged it already! What a fabulous day! You are right ~ we fitted a lot of words in those couple of hours. Very profitable and interesting. I sooooo
enjoyed meeting you and the gorgeous Star. Hope we can do it again some time :-).
P.S. I didn't get out of the Eye Clinic until 4.45!!!!
Skyping just does not hold a candle to that now, does it? Although you did see and talk to me while I was--of all things!--cooking, a strangely rare, eerie, and sometimes observer-amusing event. ;)
I am so glad you had such a good time with Ruby and that you did not get lost...at least, you did not write about getting lost so I thought it might be safe to assume....
Persuaded: Now, girl, you know if the Lord allows it I have dibs on you & Seeking being my next~door~neighbours in the next world. ☺
Ruby: we were on the 4.00 pm boat, which was sooner than expected so I had time to coffee & blog before dinner. ♥ I had such a lovely day & am looking forward to doing it again!
Seeking: if you will live on the other side of the world....!!!! And we only got lost on the hospital grounds. It is huge ~ a teaching hospital & half the uni seems to be housed there too...
Skyping is better than nothing so I don't dare complain!
awwww wow!!! How special! I LOVE the photo too. What a lovely memory and I am sure, the first of many treasured times to come!
awww....good for you Ganeida!
I had the same pleasure earlier this year with Jeanne from oh peaceful day, it was so nice to meet her in real life!
How lovely! I'm so glad you were able to meet up!
Amanda: a first for me ~ & I've been blogging for years. ☺
joyfulmum: I'm so pleased I didn't let my social paranoia prevent me from catching up.
MrsC: so when are you back in Oz? ☺
That was a very special day!
I so wish I could have been there with you both. It would have been a wonderful day. One day, Ganeida...
Bonnie: Indeed it was.
Jeanne: your name came up. ;D So you were there in spirit. One of these days...
Sounds like you had avery special day and to meet Ruby must have been the icing on the cake:)
My name came up. Yep. Guess so.... Hmm.... In reference to me?!
Jo: My long term plan ~ Go around Oz meeting all my Aussie blogging buddies. ;D
Jeanne: I said I'd so like to meet you only I was a little frightened that you wouldn't like the *real me* & Ruby confessed she is going to ~ meet you, that is. As Persuaded said...Colour me jealous. only being a Yank she will leave that U out of colour!
Which hospital? Mater or Royal Bris?
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