Live music is better; bumper stickers should be issued. ~ Neil Young.
Ditz has a wicked sense of humour. She's also a teen. Being excited is so not cool but it is ok to cling to your mother & bray innanely, "Mummy, don't leave me!" as you enter the recording studio.
It is a good thing no~one can see too far into that child's mind. Who would have guessed she had fond aspirations of what her first recording session would be like? Apparently I was to be seated on the other side of the glass gazing fondly at my rising young starlet! Phuleeze! I have better things to do & anyway, as even I could have told her, this was a closed session so I got to go & drink coffee & chat with friends while Ditz did her Ditzy thing.
Five hours travelling for less than one in the studio. They were done really fast. I said either they were really, really bad & got thrown out in disgust ~ or they were really, really good & very professional. Apparently they were the latter. We were home again by 1o & here I was stressing about whether or not we'd make that last boat.
Wishlist, coming to a t.v station near you soon.
Can't wait to heart it. So, what happened with the Blue Barina? Hope you are feeling better!
Thanks Bonnie. Tale of the blue barina above. ☺ How are all you & yours?
Very cute. See, even as they get older, they still need their mommas! Glad it worked out for you.
After lugging my oldest daughter around for FIVE YEARS of piano lessons, she determined to take guitar this year. Last night was her first recital and I guess I must admit, all that lugging around probably helped her in this. Motherhood is one exhausting priviledge though. :)
Jan Lyn
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