Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Fishy Tale.

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with a fisherman? Woody Allen. From when he was a tiny tot Dino was mad keen to follow in his dad's footsteps. Fishing is his raison d'etre.
This weekend was the big local fishing comp & Dino was out there with his trusty rods, a bin of bait & plenty of patience.

I dunno what it is about setting a date for a fishing comp. The first day is sure to dawn fair & lure every wannbe in the surrounds out onto the water until you could walk from the island to the mainland along the parked boats cluttering every gutter & channel. Come the 2nd dawn the rain has icicles attached & the wind drops the chill factor several more degrees until it is downright miserable on the water. It makes little appreciable difference. By then everyone is convinced they are going to catch the BIG ONE!

Ok. Dino came in the first morning having caught his big one. A keeper. A flathead that measured 61 1/2 inches. The cut off length is 61 inches. Dino put his fish on ice where it apparently shrank a whole half an inch! Deciding it might shrink some more Dino left it there but when he checked back it had grown to a whole 63 inches. Amazing fish. Dead as a dodo & doing gymnastics.

You know what they say; all fishermen are liars.


The HoJo's said...

snigger :o) and they count in imperial not metric? bravo


Sandra said...

Ha! Except for your son, right? : )

Ganeida said...

Hojos: lol suffered from some fishy tales ourselves, have we? I confess I've never converted. Most of my kids can work in both.

Sandra: Nope, the lad's a fisherman. I take everything with a large pinch of salt. ☺