My good friend, Siano, works with Cat Protection so when I acquired my kittens I thought she was the perfect person to chat to about the proper management of my new moggies because in all honesty they were more than a little odd & I was more than a little worried about them. I knew they'd had a rough start in life though well looked after here & it shows, still. They hate like poison any change in routine & in this house that is not a good thing. Anyway Siano suggested raw chicken wings or necks would be a really good addition to their diet, especially as they were teething & leaving stray teeth embedded in each other.
I dutifully acquired chicken necks. They are pretty cheap, even on the island, & I parcel them out at lunchtimes most days if I'm around & remember. They live on a tray in the fridge & you'd better believe Marlow knows it! The sound of the fridge door brings him hurtling from wherever he is in the house & he wedges himself in the opening staring fixedly at where he knows those necks live. He doesn't even move when I go to shut the fridge door. He just sinks lower & lower, eventually allowing the door to close over his head. Only then does he vacant his position & only if he's pretty sure that door won't be opening again any time soon.
On those days I am absent, like on Wednesdays for choir, the cats go into serious meltdown all over Dearest. Dearest can only take so much before he cracks. His solution has been to parcel out an extra neck per cat, hoping I am sure, to occupy the cats happily for a considerable length of time. Kirby, after his battle with the wishbone & little vacation at the vet's, treats his neck with respect. Marlow wolfs his. We began joking he inhaled it, it disappeared so fast.
On Monday Ditz & I had to take Liddy into Garden City as she is returning to the alpaca farm for some serious alpaca farming. This meant the only reliable navigator in the car was not present for the return journey. I am now seriously considering a GPS. Ditz is useless. Worse than useless. She gets distracted & we end up in Wooloomooloo, as we did yesterday, turning a straightforward return journey into a prolonged & circuitous route that took 3 times as long as it should have. At least Ditz remained sweet tempered & accommodating as I battled peak hour traffic, an unfamiliar dashboard & foreign city streets. I was losing the plot ~ but we all know how I feel about Brisbane.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Dearest had 2 cats who had decided I had been absent quite long enough & went into serious meltdown. As it got darker & darker they got loopier & loopier until Dearest cracked & handed out necks. He was still marvelling at how quickly Marlow had disposed of his when there was one of those noises every cat owner knows & dreads, the sound of a cat regurgitating what he has just swallowed. To Dearest's horror & bemusement the neck arrived whole & still in one piece! That idiot animal is merely softening the bones enough to gulp his neck whole ~ in the hope he'll get another, no doubt.
The animals round here are quite mad.
ha! My dog is like that with bread. Especially the pricey artisan bread. But growing up, we had a cat who would knock you over for a sip of red wine. My mother would have a glass of Merlot at the same time every night, and that kitty would howl if not allowed to at least lap a drop off a finger.
I assure you that your cat is not the only loopy one around. I have a quite odd little bugger myself she's got so many little quirks that I honestly don't know if any part of her is normal. I think that's what makes them so much fun!
My Ruby will only eat cooked meat, even though she gets very excited (and sits next to me) when I cut up raw meat, she won't eat it (only plays with it). But every night when I eat my dinner, Ruby sits at my feet waiting for her cooked portions of meat (which she always gets!).
Allison:I've known dogs ~ & a horse ~ go for beer but never a cat for red wine. Wow. Way to go.
Birbitt: You're quite right. The quirks give them personality & makes them totally adorable. ☺
Jo: Ours like raw meat. Given Dearest likes to buy his meat in bulk & our cats like the bench tops it makes packing an exciting venture. ☺
I once had a indoor angora rabbit who went crazy over 7up!
My dog eats like Marlow. In fact, we have to split up her meal so she eats like a Hobbit with first dinner and second dinner about an hour later or else she gets bloated and loses it all a bit later...you would think she would just learn to eat slower and actually chew the food, but no!
Well, he may be crazy, but that is one beautiful kitty face♥
Funny, funny, funny.
Poor Dearest...
Oh my goodness! That is so funny! Sounds like my son!
My lab LOVES chicken necks! So here we have, a kindred spirit LOL
ps. when you say Garden City, do you mean the big shopping center at Mt Gravatt?
Dearheart, if you ended up in Woolloomooloo then why didn't you come to see me??
On a feline note, you are going to have to tell Marlow that he is negating the whole point of the exercise by inhaling his chicken necks. Threaten to take them away altogether unless he starts eating them (or send him down here to give my lot lessons in how to eat them. Raw chicken? Ugh, they say.)
His Lordship thinks chicken ( cooked or raw ) is not worth fussing about, but will go into meltdown over Kangaroo.
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