Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience. Pam Brown.After our weekend I'm pretty sure Dearest is considering bottling the kittens.
Remember all those boxes that arrived? The kittens found a use for them. Not all of them were quite empty...
& the kittens were absolutely determined to be really helpful & not miss one ounce of the fun as we desperately emptied, sorted & repacked.
Now you know how we spent our Easter. Don't you wish it was this much fun at your house too?!


Ruby said...

Not that much excitement here but that is one very nice looking kitty! Hard to be cranky when they are that cute, eh?
Have a good week.

Diane Shiffer said...

Yesssss.... my kittens will insist on sitting on the very thing that I do not want them to sit on... the best piece of fabric, the notebook with the lesson plans, the book I am reading! It's uncanny. Good thing they are so darn stinkin' adorable.

Kinda like your little boys eh?;)

Sandra said...

Yes, I do!

Molytail said...

Cats and boxes! I can totally imagine ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ganeida,
I'm surprised that the kittens made it through to Monday morning!!!

They are sooo beautiful, though - if you ever need a place for them, they can come and live here! We only have three already - don't they say the more the merrier???

Have a wonderful week,
Love and blessings, Jillian ♥

Ganeida said...

Ruby: They are cute enough to be forgiven each & every sin ~ & they know it!

Diane:Yeah, Dearest couldn't believe it. He stood up ~ they nicked his chair; he opened a box ~ they had their noses in it; he moved ~ They were right at his feet. Absolute bedlam!

Moly: I can only imagine what moving day was like at your place!

Jillian: We adore them ~ but there's no escaping the fact doing some things are much easier if the kittens *don't* help!

Sandra: You need a life ☺ ~ not this one. Truly. I thought the cats would get someone killed before we were done.

Diane Shiffer said...

Hope you had a wonderful, peaceful and blessed Easter, my dear friend♥

seekingmyLord said...

Please save those kitties! They are being eaten by boxes!!!!


seekingmyLord said...

Oh, and the picture of those poor kitties eaten by the jars...well, that is just...weird!