I love Dearest; I do not love his stamps. They have taken over my living room. Notice something else. The long trestles are high & what likes to sleep on things high & airy from which one can have a bird's eye view of their surroundings? Yep. *sigh* They know but like the rest of us sometimes find temptation irresistible.
A month ago Kirby took it into his head to scamper through the neatly sorted & ordered piles of stamps as if they were so many autumn leaves for burrowing through! I rushed to squeeze between the trestles in an effort to reach him before he did irreparable damage & earned the wrath of the Master of the House, tripped & crashed face first into our hard wooden floors.
Meeting the floor face first was no fun. All sorts of bits of me hurt but I limped to bed in the cheerful certainity that given enough time things would heal of their own violition. Well they haven't. My left shoulder has been bothering me no end & I can't even lift my arm high enough to tie up my hair. I have a lot of hair so that is something of a problem Normally it is a simple matter of twisting it in a long rope, doubling it up & whisking a scrunchie around the lot. Just now Ditz is plaiting it for me.
With the cold my shoulder is now stiffening up badly enough to cause me enough pain to wake me at ungodly hours of the night & so I am blogging at 3am!. Bad enough indeed to have me try & get a Drs appointment & doctor's appointments are rarer than hen's teeth on the island. So I am off for a scan on Friday when I take Ditz to the movies but it's not sounding good. Torn muscles? How does one do that chasing a cat?
My body, like cars & computers, is simply meant to work with absolutely no maintainace from me. Nothing gives Liddy more pleasure than obsessing about various body parts but frankly there's a reason the inside bits are hidden by a reasonable layer of skin. Gross comes to mind. I am so not interested. I know, & I have 5 kids but they will all tell you, unless the bone was showing or the blood wouldn't stop flowing they were simply sent for a strip of elastoplast. Sick people were tucked into bed & left well alone until they felt better. There is no coddling in this house. I don't have time to wait in doctors offices, or for fancy diets & health fads. And while I am a big fan of doctors being able to mend broken bones & see inside bodies I don't really have much faith in them for other things are are suppossed to be able to do. They always want to poke needles in me & needles & I, well, let's just say we don't get along. I am not looking forward to dealing with any of this. If I ignore it, do you think it will go away? Me neither. *sigh*
Meanwhile we are down to the working end of Ditz's work to be returned. Three more things to do & we're done. Then we can spend some time with my mum in peace for her birthday & be home again in time for Dino's. This is what I got him. Ditz is complaining that it will be 2nd hand before he gets it. I thumbed through it to see if it would be something he'd actually read because my Dino is least likely to read , & got totally sucked in. It is a fascinating insight into what makes the lunatics on the Bering sea tick. I'm not a fishing fan but I actually get this book. Amazing. Besides I need a good read. It is bitter outside & the soccer is sad, sad, sad.