The Sunshine Coast ~ that northern paradise that attracts southern tourists like pollen attracts bees or honey flies. Every year at this time it rains. Always. It is the wet season but still the tourists flock north expecting sunshine & golden beaches. Instead they are likely to get: 2 cyclones generating big seas, big clouds & lots & lots of rain. When that happens the powers that be shut the beaches. And this is why. There was no beach. The king tides & high seas meant the white water started at the very foot of the dunes & churned out dumpers all the way to sea.

Our last day we got in a beach walk. Some erosion but now school's gone back there were miles & miles of empty beach stretching away in either direction.
With bluebottles. Lots of bluebottles. They clustered together all along the tide line ~ one reason I don't swim up here. Not that I can't; I don't. These nasty little blighters sting like wasps & the water is so swamped with them it is impossible to swim without getting stung. Mum had one wrap round her ankle just walking along the beach. UGH!

Plenty to see. Everything from common gulls to the exotic. I do hope the bottom pic blows up. The jelly~fish is pretty ugly & quite dead but Ditz spotted the sac in the bottom left hand corner where a baby jelly~fish was struggling to be born. We watched for absolute ages & as the jelly~fish was much to large to move Ditz dug a channel around it so the water could pool for the baby until the tide came in again. It was probably someone's dinner but just the same~ a WOW! moment.
I'm glad you are back. ewwww jellyfish!
Hi Ganeida,
So muc to be learned even from things that are dead, eh?
Queensland in the wet season is not something that I relish - sandflies by the million, and I looked like I had a bad dose of chickenpox.
I hope that you had a good "holiday". :)
Now don't be like that MamaO! This was a *teachable moment* ~ & Ditz didn't even realise it! ☺
Hey Jillian. You are sooo right. We had a nice time though. ☺
YIPEEE!!! You're back in the land-of-the-blogging!! ((hugs))
My memories of jellyfish is the feeling when you accidentally step on them in your bare feet. squelch. yuck. But now I shall think of Ditz and her jellyfish-widwifery instead. An ever so much more pleasant and amusing thought☺
It's great to have you back. Where else will I see a photo of a jellyfish birth!
WOW is right! How cool is that!??
The little bluebottles look like something I saw in the Wal-Mart parking lot a week ago. It was purple and I went, "OO! LOOK! A squid!" which was stupid of me because we live in Missouri.
It wasn't a squid, I'll tell ya that. Yuck. Somebody had to have... um... left that in the parking lot on purpose. :P
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