Everything a cat is & does physically is to me beautiful, lovely, stimulating, soothing, attractive & an enchantment. ~ Paul Gallico.

It's been a week. The boys are waxing sleek & glossy. We have all been surprised at how well & easily Kirby & Marlo have settled into their new home, racing down the hallways, up & down the stairs, bouncing off the walls like baby elephants. You wouldn't believe it from that pic, would you?

True, Kirby likes a slightly more high risk lifestyle. It's not like it's been cold....I believe he also escaped last night while I was dropping Ditz at the church for a weekend camp. [They've gone down to
Burleigh Heads] He spent some time on the verandah before Liddy noticed & while he wasn't spooked & didn't run away he wasn't real happy about being recaptured & relegated to the rank of prisoner again. We do have hawks & they do take small pets so he can't be given the unsupervised run of our yard just yet. He's been staring longingly through our big windows for days & it must look & smell amazing to any cat worth their salt.

Marlo is content to stay close to his food source. For a little guy he sure can eat! He's been a little more reluctant to come out & join the party but this morning I am typing left~handed because Marlo is sleeping along my computer desk with his head on my hand. He is so cute & happy I couldn't bear to move him just for my convenience.

Not that he got his prime position without some competition! Luckily hearts are elasticised & expand to accommodate all the love we can share.
Pretty sweet, times two!
I know it's pretty dull for everyone else but I promised the lads carer's I'd update so they could be assured the boys really did come to a loving home & are adjusting well. Frankly they're most likely to be loved to death. Even Dearest is completely besotted with them.
Not as dull as me I believe ;o) and nothing wrong with lots of puddytat news. I think I would draw the line at typing left handed to suit the fella though :o)
Those are some fine kitties. And yes, it is wonderful how elastic a heart can be when we let it.
Hi Ganeida,
Oh, they are so cute, and they look like they have settled in soooo well. :D
No spoiled cats in your home - much! lol
Have a wonderful weekend,
I think they are positively adorable! Keep the updates coming!!! :)
"Not that he got his prime position without some competition! Luckily hearts are elasticised & expand to accommodate all the love we can share."
Awwww..... sniff, sniffly. sniff.
I am just loving the fact that you have two sweet boys at your house and so do I. I was determined not to keep our kittens. but oh my gracious, now that we have them for good I probably am more attached to them than anyone. And that's saying a lot.
And the updates dull? Not on your life honey. We're loving them here.. particularly Noah☺
That's some serious cuteness you've got going on there!!
Re the settling in: I'll bet my bottom dollar that having two made a huge difference, especially for Marlo. We adopted a pair after about 7 months late last year. Cara was VERY shy and aloof and we felt she could not be rehomed without her brother Jace, whom we could have adopted several times over in the meantime. Jace was Mr Smooth, to the extent that he was used in demonstrations of how to pill a cat, how to clip claws, etc etc - he just lay there and took it all. Their new owners sent photos of them taken a couple of days later - both stretched out snoring on the setee. Cara was taking food from the owners' hands the day after they went to their new home.
Hojos: Ahh, the more kitty~lovers the merrier. And how are your BIG sooks? The dogs, not the cats, seeing as how you never update. ☺
Sandra: Yes, I know you understand & a horse is so much more to love! ☺
Jillian: Do I look like I'd spoil a cat? Never! lol [Dearest led the way for our entire church yesterday, hand~feeding the lads tiny bits of crab!!!!]
Britwife: And you're not a cat lover? Perhaps you just haven't met the right cat yet. Ours are completely adorable.
Diane: I keep saying that boy o' yourn is a lad after my own heart. I can see when he visits to play with the lads we are going to have some serious boy trouble! ☺ They will be chasing each other all over the house.
Siano: Yes, we think so too. Kirby would probably have been all right but not Marlo. Very loving but he is so much braver with Kirby to back him up.
Nothing "dull" about kitties!!! ;-)
They're adorable!
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