Go mbeannai Dia duit.

About Me

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mrs C, over at Homeschool & etc has awarded me two blog awards ~ which is lovely BUT I am supposed to pass them on to 10/15 other bloggers & the truth of the matter is I don't actually know 10/15 other bloggers, well, not well enough to pass awards on to soooo, if you like awards help yourself & leave me a note to let me know you've accepted the award.

Now Mrs C tells me I am to tell you 7 things about me. What's left to tell you wonder ~ & why would you want to know?

1. I blog because I wanted to make new friends ~ or learn more about on~line friends I had made & this seemed a good way to do it. Consequentially I have never consciously tried to expand my readership because I want to make friends of the people who read here & get to know them better & realistically most people can only manage groups of 8~10 people. That's what the text~books tell me & who am I to disagree? Perhaps there are just degrees? It's also why this blog is so eclectic & why I never consciously set out to have a very worthwhile blog full of good advice & Godly encouragement. Actually I don't think I have any good advice on hand. The older I get the less I have so you know where not to come.

2. I know my 2 times tables. And my 5s. And my 10s. And my 11s...& that's it. I don't know any of the others. That's what fingers & calculators are for. Like my daughter I am not a sequential learner. This is why the running joke in my house has always been: I had 5 kids because I knew my 5 times tables!

3. I took acting classes all through high school & university, not because I wanted to act ~ far from it~ but because I was interested in the dramatic construction of plays & the use of dialogue to carry action. Yes, well. A little grasp of drama helps any writer! As it helps any mother. Nothing like a little dramatic interpolation on mother's part to bring a screaming toddler to a sudden, embarrassed halt. Works a treat in the grocery store where I keep my hand in by silencing the screaming kids of complete strangers. Double whammy! I embarrass Ditz no end. Such joy!

4. I once named a cat after Lord Peter Wimsey for *the originality of her countenance*! She was a lovely cat. Should probably have named it Lord Byron.

5. I do not like roses. My flower of choice is a gardenia. I love the rich creaminess of the petals & the strong, heady aroma. I even love that the flowers are so short~lived & the sepia tinge they get as they fade. This is because I love a scented garden. No garden is truly a garden for me unless there are zillions of different & interesting scents wafting on the breeze; everything from the rich moist humus under the trees to the delicate hint of sweet peas.

6. I once tried to learn flute & I play a crummy guitar. Go Ditz!

7. In a perfect world I would own a pair of cheetahs who would sleep on my bed with me. [sorry Dearest; you'd have to go] I love that eye~liner & the tear~drop markings. I'm told they make excellent pets. Big cat, big purr. Yeah!
OK, your turn now.


Jeanne said...

I'm going to call you Jocelyn Wildenstein from now on. Go Lion Queen! Giggles.

Love hearing more about you, my friend.

Siano said...

I'm sure the cheetahs could learn to share with Dearest :-)

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...
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Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

OK, I never woulda guessed on the cheetahs :)

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

Okay, I'm commenting again ...

Congrats on the awards.
Cheetahs do sound very exotic, almost 'Cleopatra'. :)

seekingmyLord said...

if you like awards help yourself & leave me a note to let me know you've accepted the award.

What's left to tell you wonder ~ & why would you want to know?
LOL! LOL! LOL! Well, I can think of some things to ask, but in polite society....

Gardenias are my favorite also and I had a bush in my backyard when I lived in Florida and jasmine all over my front door entrance. Here in Georgia, I have to suffice with jasmine alone, which has prettied a large section of our chain link fencing in the back yard and wants to climb up the corner of my house. I love the scent, but I enjoy the scent of roses as well.

As I recall, you made fun of me for wanting to sleep with tigers once...and NOW you confess to wanting to the sleep with cheetahs?