Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rabbiting on.

“Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.” Winnie~the~Pooh

The cat is good at doing nothing; Liddy not so much. Nothing is what we're doing ~ sort of.

The men in my life are watching the cricket tests, which I believe we're losing. It's been a while since that's happened. Liddy is actually going to work each day, where she stays for at least 8 hours. Ditz & I are taking turns on the computer & sleeping. That is because it is summer. The heat has pretty much killed off the garden & I don't want to replant until I will be around consistently to water & weed. In between doing nothing & sleeping I am bagging up all Ditz's outgrown clothing for the thrift shop & despairing over what's available in the shops to replace it. The way we're going she's going to be down to her singlet & boxers shortly.

This time every year 6 weeks always looks as long as it did when I was a kid, stretching into eternity, & every year it is over before I can blink & I haven't achieved anything much. Dearest insists I go slow at this time of the year; partly because he knows rushing about in the heat will make me ill & partly because he says I need to recharge my batteries before the Ditzy year kicks in again. So I pick away at the myriad of small jobs that always seem to be available to choose from until I become mightily bored. Housework does that to me. I mean seriously, the biggest excitement round here recently is Ditz's unexpected bedmate!

Yes, it's real. Yes, it was huge. Better than the frog she had last year but I'm starting to wonder why all the wildlife ends up in her room.

So I went to the library & got 2 books. One, sadly, is too boring for words. Utterly predictable. That was the fantasy one. Someone needs to get original in this genre. The other I picked up because I liked the cover, knew nothing about the content & hated the writing style. Lousy way to choose a book I know but hey, I'm still reading it. That would be Empress by Shan Sa. It is the story of the Empress Wu, China's first & only female emperor. How could I not read this? The writing style is growing on me as we are getting into the meat of the story but I do astonish me. I can't think why I enjoy novels full of political intrigue, plotting & people with nasty morals & a penchant for murder ~ all things that bore me. Oh, right. That would be because my life is boring right now.

Actually after the year we've had I'm just having trouble unwinding & staying focused & I'm waiting on a quote on all the new curriculum I ordered so I know if I need to panic yet or not. If my estimate is correct all's good! Even when I'm just doing theory Ditz's music is expensive. I ordered the Beautiful Feet music which has a time line [don't you just love time lines?], a dozen or so CDs [which Ditz will hate because it's all classical], & a book about the major classical composers. It's all information I think she needs to know & she thinks she doesn't but despite her best efforts I'm still in charge here. And this year I have managed not to confuse my science curriculum with my bible curriculum & once we get onto the Romans I expect Ditz will be enchanted. The Roman Empire according to mummy is nothing like the textbooks tell it, mostly because I do not like the Romans. My bias slants exactly the other way ~ which is only to be expected given I do know the story of Boudicca [which I really should post about] & I have a thing for the Celts.

O.K, that's it. I am going to go & practise doing nothing some more.


Sandra said...

It sounds hot and I hate hot! I think all you should do is read. Please do post the story of Boudicca.

A. said...

I know cricket! My college's brother school down the street had a cricket team. Lovely to watch the boys in their white uniforms on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

How do you treat lizards in terms of ickiness? Are they like "eeek!" spiders, or "must burn down the house" rats, or "aw, cute" bunny rabbits?


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

AAA!!! Look at the size of that lizard! I don't think I'd sleep for a week!

Ganeida said...

O.K, I like lizards. Seriously, it could have been a snake & those I don't want in the beds. If it moves Ditz doesn't want it. Sandra, your wish is my command. lol. I've probably sent everyone to sleep. As for cricket, there are more boring things in this life but not many. :)

The HoJo's said...

Bleuk, there is nothing more boring than cricket and I have watched paint dry to prove it!
Lizards are nice but I wouldn't say cute in a bunny way, friendly faces though. If it was bigger than my arm I would run away.