" You name the pie & we do it. They are all made from scratch." Randy Ferreira
Home Ec ~ puts inches on the waist~line. I wanted Ditz to try her hand at pastry ~ not bad but a little too thick. Need to remind her to roll it thinner next time. Caramel filling ~ not from a tin. First time dealing with a makeshift double~boiler! Meringue ~ she makes a great pav so that bit was easy. End result: I'm not as young as I was & this was far too rich for far too late at night ~ even brought Ditz to a screaming halt. Pity we don't do mains as well as we do desserts ~ or that we couldn't live on dessert! Very yum though. Even the cat liked it. No, we don't feed leftover dessert to the cats but Kirby feels free to help himself to anything left unguarded on a plate...& that's one cat that definitely doesn't need a sugar hit!
Wowsers that is one bee-yoo-tee-full pie! I have never made a meringue pie before, can you believe it? I suppose because I despise anything egg-white-y and of course meringue is basically egg white. I have been toying with the idea of a lemon meringue pie lately....
I'll keep ya posted;)
Yummy looking! I wish they would figure out a way to make virtual smell and taste.
we were served almost raw meringue on Saturday night, we need to send Ditz in to the 'restaurant' to sort them out!
Diane: We did lemon meringue last weekend for visitors. Mmmmm.
Seeking: this one doesn't have a lot of smell to it. The lemon meringue now....
Hojos: raw meringue is feral! I feel for you.
Some good looking pie, that!
Sandra: Not only looked good, tasted good too. ☺
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