Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday memories.

Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be. ~Duane Michals

Photographs are for all sorts of reasons. This is Ditz at my mother's house, years back now, but it is still the epitome of Ditz: laid back, soaking in luxury, her eyes on her mama. Not all that much has changed. It is such a Ditz photo; one of my very favourites.
Liddy was a very different sort of a child: serious & intense. Not much has changed there either. It is all the unsaid things in this photo that are important. It was taken at a family wedding, with the whole clan abounding & everyone wanting to cuddle my adorable *porcelain doll* child, who was having none of it. What you can't see in this photo, though it is there if you know what to look for, is my mother's love & pride in her first grand~daughter. Liddy is named for her. It is scary how alike they are & the dress Liddy is wearing was made for her by her ma.

Now my mother is a seamstress extraordinaire. She is patient & painstaking & a real perfectionist & this dress is exquisite. There are eyelet ribbon inserts for the peach coloured ribbons & dainty ruffles & Liddy looked exquisite in it. It is one of the few dresses Liddy has ever worn & nearly all of them have been made by her ma, for Liddy, with love!

Actions speak louder than words. This was taken shortly after Ditz was born & Liddy learnt one lesson I never said a word about: a good mama puts all her offspring in bed with her & cuddles them to sleep. Isn't she adorable? What a good mama she will make!

Ever want to know why I married Dearest, just look at that hair! He was very close to his nan but every time I look at this photo I can't believe that there was ever a time when you could pick a great big bunch of Christmas Bells like that! They are gorgeous & stunning & these days all too rare


Jeanne said...

These are wonderful memories, but that hair!! Oh my!! Does he still have hair like that?

Allison said...

The juxtaposition of the first 2 photos is great!

Rose said...

It's so interesting how the personalities show through on the pictures of girls.

Diane Shiffer said...

Ok.. you won't be surprised to know that i clicked on that photo of Liddy in the dress. I just had to get a closer look. Oh. My. Gracious. The dress is exquisite.

We also clicked on the photo of your dearest. I would say that his hair is not the only thing that must have attracted you to him. Ahem. Amelia looked closer and said... OoooO, he is cute.
So yeah we approve.

Anonymous said...

Ganeida, How the personalities of your two girls differ in the photos above! What a gorgeous photo of Liddy nursing her "baby" to sleep.

Your husband's hair is absolutely amazing!