Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~Plato
Liddy & I bought Dearest a *new* computer ~ & Issi took it over. Issi likes new things & is always very interested when we've been out for the day & hangs around until he knows exactly what we've brought home. And no, he wasn't moving for anyone...or not until Dearest & I brought home the new chairs, but I don't have pics of those yet, & then Issi hogged my old one, parked beside my computer, because he knows jolly well if he's parked there he'll get lots of lovin'.
Then there was the gnome I found on my roof ~ or was it a brownie doing her good turn for the day? Liddy is kind, & having a better head for heights than I do, got up on our roofs to clean out the gutters. I emptied the buckets for her as she filled them & passed up the secateurs so she could cut back the branches scraping along the tin roof. Not a good sound. Worse than fingernails down a blackboard. Truly.
Ditz got left Home Alone Monday morning, which she quite likes, just her & Issi keeping an eye on each other. She was good & did her reading while I was gone then helped me put together the two office chairs Dearest & I had gone to get. So long as it doesn't involve schoolwork she's a really helpful kid. She had made some melting moments as a special treat too. Yum. She knows the way to her mummy's stony heart.

We were pretty hot & bothered by the time we were done & running late for violin but Ditz got an extra long lesson seeing she missed last week. She's sorta doing grade 3 & when I think back to the two of us trying to figure out how to just get a noise, any sort of a noise, out of her instrument because we didn't know about rosin, well, she's come a long, long way in a few short years.
We were pretty hot & bothered by the time we were done & running late for violin but Ditz got an extra long lesson seeing she missed last week. She's sorta doing grade 3 & when I think back to the two of us trying to figure out how to just get a noise, any sort of a noise, out of her instrument because we didn't know about rosin, well, she's come a long, long way in a few short years.
The girls deny there's any family resemblence between them.
I'm not sure why, but that photo of ditz just made me smile all the way to the inside. what a sweetie she is♥
i'm greatly enjoying your liddy too (at least that is who i *think* it is, hehehe;))
For fall, it sure looks beautiful there!! BTW Liddy and Ditz do look a little alike. Sorry.
Oh, Issi is an absolutely delightful cat!
you do know that if you offer your brownie any payment they will leave the house in disgust ;o)
We have similar pics of our 10 year old on the roof cleaning out gutters, child protection unit anyone? :o)
Liddy, excellant name she came up with, the creative one huh ;-) The sis and I have been asked if we are twins mind you there is 6yrs between us and we dont see any resembelance. Beat ya to comment mum!
Hojos: Whatever made you think we would *PAY* the brownie?!!! ;)
LobStar, be grateful; Ditz is never going to forgive me. BTW, you're cooking tomorrow night so I guess you won't have time tio leave sarky comments on other peoples blogs. ;D
HSmum: Iss is the cattiest cat & we all adore him ~ even my Dearest who seriously thought he was a dog man through & through.
MrsC: It is always beautiful here. We live in a remarkably beautiful part of the world.
Diane: We enjoy Liddy too. She has an excellent sense of humour.
Computers aagh. We are finally back up and networking after two weeks of reinstalling and reinstalling etc.
Details to follow on my blog as soon as I recover my passwords.
Am Anon because I have to search for my password text file on my backup. Kimba
Kimba! Delighted you are back up & running. Whatever would I do without you?!
The girls deny there's any family resemblence between them
I think that's because when we look at ourselves in a mirror, we see differently than others do...I remember reading an article long ago with some drawings of a man - it showed how HE saw himself, how his wife saw him, how his boss saw him, etc etc...each drawing slightly different...the same, but different.
They're very different girls - you can see that in their eyes, even - but they truly do look a lot like each other! :-)
Heh - around here, people on roofs (rooves??? LOL) are shoveling off the snow.
They look alike. I'm interested in the tin roof. Is that common? Is there a lot of insulation to keep the house from heating up? I have tin roofs on some of my outbuildings and the noise from rain is tremendous.
I love the noise rain makes on a tin roof, wouldn't have it any other way. Tin roofs are common, so are terracotta tiles but correct me mum if im wrong I'd say that tin would out do the tiles although they are getting more common.
Tin is cheap & extremely common ~ & far less likey to blow away in a big storm. Traditionally there is no insulation ~ we don't have any~ but the ceilings are 9' high to allow the hot air to escape. Many people now add a whirly~gig to the roof to draw the hot air right out. Air con is not so common.
We deliberately chose tin for the lovely thundery cavelike wallow you get in a big rain. :D
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