My friend Sian is one of the most creative people I know. She doesn't have much of either time or money but she can do amazing things with very little.
A cheap birdbath & a child's wading pool became a small fountain in her front yard. Not only does it satisfy the soul but it provides relief from the relentless heat. The sound of falling water splashing softly into the pool creates the illusion of coolness, a peaceful oasis on days when the centre of the island swelters under oppressive heat & refreshment on humid summer nights.
This was her holiday project, a project she had had in mind for some time but what really impressed me was that she didn't spend mega~bucks on it & it's incredibly effective. For a while it looked like it mightn't happen ~ the guy with the doovie~dackie to move the mulch didn't show up, issues with pumps & electricians, crashed computers that had to be re~something or other & immunised against nasty little viruses but she persevered & now she is back at work I hope she is enjoying the fruit of her holiday labours as she crawls into bed at the end of a long day.
I dunno. This project just really impressed me.
What an awesome idea! I'd love to have a bird bath - might see about setting one outside here this summer...it would just be a regular bird bath though - I can't go digging and putting in pump type things when I don't own the yard LOL ... though I my dig it up some anyway and plant stuff.. maybe.. summer's are quite short here...
it impressed me too♥
but what really impresses me is words like "doovie~dackie"....... what the heck ganeida???? is that a real word or did you just make that up?;)
Doovie~dackie, you know the thingy~me~bob to tie up the whatsit. lol It's a very common slang term out here for something you don't know the name of that does a job you don't understand. lol.
Very nice. :)
it'd be like a fast food outlet for the cats, did you order that one to go????
Actually the cat doesn't like it. Weird or what?
weird, but then cats are contrary :o)
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