37 plays. 154 sonnets. An ongoing squabble amongst the academics & not so many of us who've actually read one of his plays or sat through one at the theatre. My kids can't believe I laugh ~ in the right places.
So, just to muddy the Shakespearean waters a little more, have you seen this? *swoon* It's been in the Cobbe family for 3 centuries; some people have all the luck, & is purported to have been painted of *sweet Will* during his lifetime. Much better looking than the usual awful thing one sees. Love the hooped ear~ring. Even back then the arty lot were into self display.
It was painted in 1610 when Will was 46; either he kept his age well or the artist took a bit of *artistic license* but seriously, what an improvement! It might actually get the girls at least reading some highbrow literature, though Shakespeare could be bawdy enough at times.
So what do you think, girls?
How can you eat with that collar on? I know there is no man alive today that could pull that off. LOL great pic!
Those Elizabetheans were peacocks, weren't they?! I'd spill something horrible on a fancy collar like that & it would look ...well, horrible. I know my Dearest wouldn't be caught dead in something like that. Now there's an idea...;P
i saw this the other day... and i thought him quite dapper indeed!
my girls love shakespeare♥
how're you doing today my dear? ☺
Shakespeare is considered highbrow now, but you know he was not so considered at the time! Me thinks he took a few liberties in his self-portrait. : )
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