About Me
- Ganeida
- Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Lessons learnt.

Monday, March 30, 2009
Somebody burst my bubble.

I worry about me. Organisation is not my strong suite. It's one reason we use an umbrella school ~ that & to keep the government off our case because the school does that bit. And I had that bit together; I really did. Three examples of Ditz's work in each subject each term. Even I could manage that & I did. At about this point in the term I start rounding up Ditz's work to send in so I was a little bit puzzled by today's phone call. I don't think our supervisor has a grip on paperwork organization either.
We had a most interesting conversation about Ditz's math ~ which has gone missing. Between us we've lost about 3 term's worth. Now I know I'm a klutz so I keep all Ditz's work to be returned in one folder & I've always been particular about sending it in. What I don't do is keep the returned work. I have no storage space & no use for it so out it goes. An entire book of Math~U~see has not been recorded. No way did I not send that in. I don't order new math until we are doing the last lot of tests. I tear the tests out the day I bundle them up & send them in to be recorded. So here I was wandering round with the phone glued to my ear looking for returned work. I found 2 lots ~ with little stickers on. I don't do stickers so I know it's been in to the school & been returned to us.
Now every time Marilyn visits with us she does a math session with Ditz. Sometimes it's more needed than others. I know she knows exactly where Ditz is with her maths ~ we just don't have the paperwork to prove it. Marilyn was madly apologetic. These things happen. *shrug* The bit I mind is having to tell Ditz she's got to redo at least one test. You have no idea!
Now all this is bad enough but the school has obviously had some trouble tracking work so these little bar coded stickers have been sent out, one to be attached to each work sample. Sound simple? How I wish. Firstly, even with my glasses on these are almost impossible to read. Reading them is necessary because they tell you which work samples they want. I have just discovered this. Now math & science are not an issue. They are very straightforward. Where we come unstuck is with our history & English. As they are our strong academic area I am sooo not impressed! Firstly we do a lot of dictation & grammar work. Ditz does a lot of creative writing but she doesn't like to share so getting samples is like pulling hen's teeth. Our analytical writing is done in history. I try to get one essay a term out of Ditz. So I don't have one piece of analytical writing for English, or one piece of creative writing & I don't have reading comprehension examples because we don't do them. Ditz has read the first dozen books of this year's curriculum & by the time we're done with the Sonlight stuff she's got a pretty good idea of what the book's talking about. Now for History we scrapbook. Map work, notes, craft stuff goes into a scrapbook because Ditz really, really doesn't like to write. Not school stuff at any rate.
So I am sitting here scratching my head wondering what I'm going to send in. We did our poetry analysis. Does that count as reading comprehension? That's one; three to go. I can see me sneaking stuff out of Ditz's novels to cover us & she'll shoot me. Ditz finished her essay on Hitler. History we are always on top off & her scrapbooking pages always look good. I have all bar one of the math tests ~ the one that has disappeared between here & the school. Science we are working towards.
Just in case you think Ditz does no actual school work I must dissuade you though we sometimes veer so far towards unschooling I scare myself. Ditz is her mother's daughter & tends to get obsessed about a topic. Hitler was her last one. At present it is pirates. Gypsies is the next one. For these Ditz does all her own research & reading & notetaking. That she can actually do this is one of our success stories. Unfortunately her methodology is not strictly academic. More like research notes for an acting part or background research for a novel. Not strictly useful for anything. *sigh*
And the thing is I am so not interested just now because the curriculum I've been waiting on for 5 months arrived today! Finally! This is our bible stuff & it looks terrific ~ & music history. I'm keen to start & give Ditz something a little different but instead we will be pottering round redoing math & looking for Ditz's science. I might just do a Ditz & have a meltdown. Do you think it would help? Nah, me either but it would sure feel good!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Sunshine State.

We are Queenslanders. That's the bright lolly pink bit in the first map. It's the second largest state & roughly 25% of Australia or to put it into perspective 7 times the size of Great Britain, more than double the size of Texas. Yeah, it's a big place.
I was toddling round on the net just double checking my facts because anything to do with numbers I'm likely to get wrong & I was pretty mind boggled. Now for some reason [probably due to my technological incompetence] I landed on tourist sites ~ which is all well & good but totally misleading. Seriously misleading. And they were all saying the same thing. Sub~tropical.
Now we are subtropical, ie below the tropic of Capricorn. Cairns isn't. Oh deary me no! No, Cairns is definitely tropical; tropical as in Cairns has 2 seasons. It has a wet season [summer] & a dry season [winter] ~ just the two seasons. If you live there you wear a woolly jumper in winter. Everyone else goes swimming.
If you live out west you're probably part of the desert that just flooded. The climate in the Great Dividing Mountains is different again. By sub~tropical I can only think they mostly mean Brisbane, which is the capital of the state, & where the plane's most likely to offload you unless you realise there's an international airport at Cairns & it's right next door to the Great Barrier Reef. Most people don't & they get dumped at Brisbane airport & Brisbane is sub~tropical, which means we get mild, pleasant winters whose temps range between 14 ~ 28C [57.2 ~ 82.4F]. Cairns on the other hand has winter temperatures ranging between 20 ~ 30C [68 ~ 86F]. We won't go into their summer temps. Sticky!
Last time I was in Cairns the wet season arrived with a vengeance & the rain chased us down the coast flooding the rivers as we passed. Just so you know.
We get somewhere in the vicinity of 1.5 million tourists a year, give or take the odd million. They arrive with lists of the day trips they've got planned. A cursory study of the map reveals 7, 400 ks plus of coastline ~ most of it a long, long way from Brisbane. This is important to know because Queensland has 1 of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world & 4 World Heritage listed sites ~ none of which are in Brisbane. The 2, 300 k of the Great Barrier reef is the largest natural feature in the world & can be seen from space ~ but you can't see it from Brisbane. It requires you travel quite some distance from Brisbane in order to see it. Just now from Bowen to Gladstone 90% of the reef's gone, smashed to smithereens by cyclone Hamish.
We have the world's largest sand island [184 000 hectares], Fraser Island, but it's 4 hours from Brisbane & world heritage listed so worth the visit because it's the only place in the world tall rainforest grows on sand dunes. Or there's the Daintree, the oldest rainforest in the world but it's 2 hours north of Cairns. Also world heritage listed, 1 200 square ks of rainforest that is home to 30% of reptile, marsupial & frog species in Oz, habitat to 65% of butterfly & bat species & 20% of our bird species. Thirteen species of the birds are found nowhere else in the world. Oh, & it's totally gorgeous! Moving right along & still heading north up into the Gulf you will find yet another world heritage listing : Riversleigh, home to Australian marsupial fossils. Nowhere else in the world will you find such a continuous, rich, detailed record at a single site. The 4th world heritage listing is the Great Barrier Reef.
We get 300 days of sunshine a year I'm told but we haven't been seeing much of the sun recently. It's been wet. Very, very wet. Tropical wet. Someone should inform whoever's responsible for the weather that we're sub~tropical & are supposed to have more than 2 seasons a year.
And just so you know, unless you're out in the sticks or at the zoo you're extremely unlikely to see kangaroos or wallabies or koalas wandering round. We're out in the sticks so we see these things but Brisbane is a modern city. No wildlife allowed.
The *One Days*.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Unsocialised homeschooler.
This is one of my favourite quotes ~ for all sorts of reasons but it is sadly pertinent today because today was the dry run for the street theatre dramatists.
I understand fear. I know all about stage fright. What I do not understand is accepting defeat before you even begin.
All term the 20 or so kids involved in the drama club have been making masks, learning how to develop a character, a little bit of mime, a little stylization with the intended aim of doing some actual street theatre. The idea was to attend the pool party on the island & do a dry run to iron out any kinks before doing a show in town. The dry run was a good idea; street theatre is really scary.
Quite a number of kids pulled out immediately from the pool party run. Still there were about 8 kids who said they'd do it, enough to develop a theme. Ditz was pretty excited about the whole thing; party; swimming; dancing; acting; socialising = Ditz heaven.
I ran Ditz along to the public pool about 4.30 & went in to confirm the pick up time to find that the drama teacher had been fielding calls all day as one after another of the drama group woosed out. She was pretty disappointed. Not surprised. All public school kids. All being teased about drama class. Some bullied mercilessly. No way, no how were any of those kids getting up in front of their peers & making themselves into a target. Ditz was the only kid to turn up with her mask expecting to act.
With no~one to act with & no~one for support the drama coach expected that Ditz would pull out too. She doesn't know Ditz! As Ditz so succinctly put it, 'I joined drama class so I could act!' Yep, she donned her mask, got into character & did her Ditzy thing. Did she get teased? You bet your bottom dollar she got teased. Were the other actors envious? Yep! And that's the thing, isn't it. It never, ever gets any easier. Never. There will always be someone who wants to criticise unfairly. There will always be mockers. It is always going to be hard to put yourself out there & attempt to convince people of something improbable. Acting is all about taking risks. Big risks. No~one is going to hand you your Oscar on a silver platter. Life does not work that way.
And I have the unsocialised homeschooler!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The devil finds work for idle hands to do.

A bored Ditz who can bear?
There I was at choir immersed in my book when I became aware of an odd quality to the sound emanating from the choir. I listened more carefully. It sounded like there were 3 or 4 different keys being attempted with the bulk of the choir waffling round in total confusion. Not a good sound!
I asked Ditz about it in the car going home.
'Oh, that,' said my Ditz casually. 'That was a set up.'
A set up? A set up! Who's setting up who here? Turns out that there is a pre~arranged signal that causes a number of the better musicians to change keys ~ but they all sing in a different key. This is enough to ensure most of the choir becomes quickly lost. The number of kids who lack confidence that they are singing the right thing is mind boggling. All Ditz has to do is drop out for a note or two & the others singing her part drop out too because they've been following & relying on her. Ditz does it just for fun. *sigh*
'So which bright bunny dreamt this up?' I enquired. Need I have asked?
'Well, Boy Soprano & I had nothing to do between AbbaMania performances,' Ditz defended herself. Yikes! Thankfully Alison has a sense of humour. She will need it if those two team up together any more.

My friend Sian is one of the most creative people I know. She doesn't have much of either time or money but she can do amazing things with very little.
A cheap birdbath & a child's wading pool became a small fountain in her front yard. Not only does it satisfy the soul but it provides relief from the relentless heat. The sound of falling water splashing softly into the pool creates the illusion of coolness, a peaceful oasis on days when the centre of the island swelters under oppressive heat & refreshment on humid summer nights.
This was her holiday project, a project she had had in mind for some time but what really impressed me was that she didn't spend mega~bucks on it & it's incredibly effective. For a while it looked like it mightn't happen ~ the guy with the doovie~dackie to move the mulch didn't show up, issues with pumps & electricians, crashed computers that had to be re~something or other & immunised against nasty little viruses but she persevered & now she is back at work I hope she is enjoying the fruit of her holiday labours as she crawls into bed at the end of a long day.
I dunno. This project just really impressed me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Food for Thought.

I went out for an hour & look what happens.

Monday, March 23, 2009
On not seeing what's in front of your nose.

Things change, imperceptibly...then one day you wake up wondering how you got here. Worse you wake up wondering how you're going to get out! That's what living with Ditz will do for you.
See three years ago I changed Ditz's curriculum. Actually we changed everything. We changed umbrella schools, supervisors & the way we did things & toddled off in a new direction. More reading. Lots & lots more reading & that is a very good thing but it changed something fundamental about the way Ditz & I did school. I wasn't as involved. I thought this was a good thing & Ditz was maturing, {Well, that's what I thought!} able to work on her own, get her work done...yadda, yadda. I think lots of things it's probably better not to think.
It took a while but it slowly dawned on me that Ditz really wasn't all that happy. She complained a lot about her curriculum. It didn't matter what it was she complained. If I even hinted she might like to do stuff on her own she went into meltdown. She mentioned *real* school more & more often. Not even an option given the state of our Public Schools round here. I was puzzled. Really. I was. Ditz's curriculum was carefully chosen just for her, to meet her needs, accommodate her learning style, incorporate the things she likes & thinks important. The child should have been in clover. Seriously. She wasn't in clover. I was scratching my head.
O.K. I'm slow. Real slow. There is one constant about Ditz, stemming all the way back to her time in the womb when everyone would cluster round my *bump* pat it, stroke it & talk to it; Ditz is a people person. Company is the name of the game. Taking her books in to her room to work quietly by herself was never going to make Ditz a happy Ditz. Fundamental.
And there I was wondering why Ditz was so happy to do Dictation & Grammar! Mummy time! Anyway as I was trying to help Ditz untangle her notes on Hitler & pull her essay in to some sort of order it suddenly occurred to me Ditz was working pretty cheerfully. Instead of sending her off to read on her own I sat with her & read aloud. Ditz cheerfully interrupted with all sorts of trivia about the period we were reading about. It occurred to me I wasn't having to drag stuff out of the child, she was offering me information. *sigh* I got a synopsis of her next trilogy. [Yes, she writes books. They are a deep, dark secret & she's so shy about them she only very occasionally reads me a passage that she thinks might pass muster]. Then all unbeknown to Ditz she provided me with an introduction to poetical analysis! I'd been wondering how to broach this with Ditz & the child just handed it to me on a platter! Oh! You want to know what it is?
Well, Ditz usually has one or two songs she's working on getting all the words down pat & the notes right. We get a lot of constant singing & often it's the same passage over & over. Drives my mother nuts. At the moment it's Hoist the Colours from Pirates of the Caribbean. I like this one so am not objecting too much. Ditz does like to show off & every so often she thinks she can take her mother on on her own ground & win so she started asking me what I thought some of the lines meant. Poor Ditz. I mightn't have watched these movies all the way through but I know my mythology. Viola! Poetical analysis 101! It's a start, ok. I love the internet.
I don't think I often do things the way they're meant to be done & back in the bad old days we did very little grammar. It was one reason I really wanted to change curriculum, schools & supervisors. What little we had done Ditz just wasn't getting. What's more I don't do grammar as a separate subject. I simply do the phasing that comes after the dictation. Which meant that Ditz was thrown in at the deep end. Nouns, verbs adverbs, subject, predicate, articles, prepositions, subjects, objects of the preposition ~ Ditz got them all at once. I spent weeks & months walking her through her grammar work, fitting it together like a jigsaw. Every so often I'd ask her what something was not very hopefully & sometimes she'd get it but mostly she wouldn't. Then all of a sudden, just recently, it's clicked for her. She can see the patterns & she's got a better grasp of her grammar than I do.
Homeschool is always a bit bumpy. Interruptions. Life gets in the way ~ but no more than in regular school. I just have to remember Ditz likes company. It makes her world go round. Having her world go round makes Ditz a happy Ditz & a happy Ditz makes my job easier. It is a small price to pay. Besides, Ditz is fun to be with. Mostly.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Why silence?

No love lost.
"Glamis hath murdered sleep"...& I so wish I was Issi curled warmly round Ditz's feet & sound asleep.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hen's Day Out.
It's been a while since we've had a *mental health* day or gone out with Liddy for a short road trip & Sian's been on holidays so we decided a *hen's day out* was in order; Tamborine Mountain was our destination.
True to form as we set out the drizzle began & we drove the first part in pouring rain with Sian just a leetle nervous. She's heard the stories about Liddy's driving. The highway gets up to 110K & Liddy made me ride shotgun just because I'm used to her. Actually her driving is quite good now & she does pretty well until she starts getting tired.
Tambourine is in the same general vicinity as Springbrook & O'Reilly's for those of you who have been following our wanderings through this part of the Great Dividing Range. It is almost directly behind the Gold Coast so as you climb the mountain you get spectacular views back towards the Gold Coast ~ or would do if it wasn't pouring rain.
Our first stop was one of 2 fudge shops. This was to keep Ditz happy because Ditz is never keen on these ventures until we have dragged her unwilling carcass along & proven what fun she can have. We then went to an *Op Shop* Sian was keen on. *Op Shop* = opportunity shop & sells pre~loved, used, 2nd hand things. I love these places. The girls are less keen but what is a day out unless you eat?
We chose the Olive Cafe which looked gorgeous with a large outdoor eating area, potted olive trees & a resident white cat.
The aromas were wonderful & we were all really looking forward to our meal but over all it was rather disappointing. There was no water carafe provided & I'm not sure Tambourine's lack of town water & drought is any excuse for not providing water but I got the only really decent meal & there is no excuse for that. Liddy & Sian ordered pasta with chicken, avocado & Camembert. It read beautifully on the menu & I was tempted but pasta is too much food for me & as it turned out it was too creamy, too rich & really, really bland. Ditz ordered lasagna; she ate it all but she must have been hungry because it wasn't very nice. I, on the other hand, ordered chicken skewers on Greek salad & that was very good. That had been Liddy's second choice & she was really sorry she hadn't ordered it.
Despite the poor meal the surroundings were lovely & the girls began hamming it up. Poor Sian. She must wonder which planet we've dropped from sometimes. Ditz can be hysterical when she gets going & she was in fine form.
You can't have a mental health day without a walk in the woods. We chose Witchety Falls, which has the honour of being the first National Park in Queensland. I've given up trying to figure out what people consider a difficult walk. For us this was quite an easy walk though the devastation of heavy rainfall after a long drought period was evident everywhere. Not a lot of wildlife around but it was definitely the wrong time of day for that & the girls were in a rather giddy mood:
Captured by vines;
Eaten by trees;
Consumed by roots;
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thinking aloud here...

MrsC over here has been talking a lot about *parentless* kids ~ you know, kiddies whose parents seem to think kids can & will raise themselves without the need of too much help from mum & dad. One wonders if they think much at all but whatever.
Then last night I had the opportunity to witness the other side of this coin & I was seriously cringing inside. This poor little kiddie seemed to be mummy's showpiece that she dragged out to boast on, pummel & poke & prod to within an inch of his life because the poor child was a genius & misunderstood at school. I don't think much of schools so we won't go there & besides I have serious doubts about the reliability of the witness.
It got me thinking though, watching the kid try to squirm out of mum's clutches, because I don't know any perfect parents & I certainly don't know any perfect kids. Most of us fall somewhere between the two extremes of either under parenting or over parenting. Some things we get right, others we get wrong. Some of what we think is right the kids disagree with but because we're the parent we get to decide. Some of what we get wrong turns out to be right in the end & other stuff not so much.
I know I'm a lousy disciplinarian. I seriously expect my children to be reasonable human beings. What planet did I think we landed on?! And I can be a tad erratic ~ here today, gone tomorrow but I am excellent in a crisis ~ as my kids know. Very little shocks me when it comes to human behaviour ~ theirs or their friends. They know they can chat about whatever's on their minds & be heard & they all know they are deeply loved, cherished, blessings from the Lord. I think we've got that message across.
So what is your *happy medium*? How do you think you are doing? What would you change if you could? What do other parents do that makes you cringe?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mutiny on the High Seas & Sackcloth & ashes..

John did not seem to find Mark as difficult to live with as I did. Mostly they seemed to get along. As young men they were very close & up until the day Mark died he liked spending time with John. There were, however, the odd altercations & they invariably occurred as publicly as possible.

We were sailors. I sailed a Moth ~ a solo boat as befitted one who found getting along with other people almost impossible & living with them beyond endurance. My brothers sailed a Manly Junior together. They had the perfect arrangement. Mark liked to enjoy himself; John liked to win. Mark crewed for John. So long as Mark did exactly as John told him there were never any problems. When there were problems they tended to be spectacular because Mark was something of a firecracker when roused.

Never say, "oops." Always say, "Ah, interesting." ~Author Unknown
For reasons of sheer (fill in the blank)........today's post landed here...if you're so inclined. I have no idea how to get it back where it belongs. You can never say that blogging with me is dull!
Monday, March 16, 2009
The week's collage.
We were pretty hot & bothered by the time we were done & running late for violin but Ditz got an extra long lesson seeing she missed last week. She's sorta doing grade 3 & when I think back to the two of us trying to figure out how to just get a noise, any sort of a noise, out of her instrument because we didn't know about rosin, well, she's come a long, long way in a few short years.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It's here!

LobStar has arrived!

I feel like I'm being stalked. Just as well I love the stalker. Lobstar has entered the room. If she lands in your blogspace she's perfectly harmless, quite tame & responds well to offerings of chocolate. Go leave her some bloggy love.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Joy cometh in the morning.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Give a child a unicorn...

"But within me the unicorn still remains, a formless shadow in the spaces of my mind." -- Josephine Bradley, In Pursuit of the Unicorn
There are two sorts of people: there are people who have imaginary friends & there are people who think that people who have imaginary friends are quite mad.
Having imaginary friends is the basis of good story telling. You have to know the characters you invent at least as well as you know your friends, sometimes better.
I don't know who is responsible for the odd conversation we had at Toscanis. I've no idea how it began but I rattled the secure cage Liddy inhabits by announcing I've never quite outgrown imaginary friends.
'By why,' my bewildered & literal daughter enquired, 'would anyone want anything other than reality? Whoever has imaginary friends?' At this point Ditz pipped up to announce she did. Ditz has Shima. Shima was a unicorn ~ was because as Ditz outgrew her need for Shima she couldn't simply let her fade into decent obscurity. No indeed. She broke of Shima's horn & pierced her heart with it. Only Ditz. I didn't bat an eyelash while Liddy stared at the pair of us as if we were both barking mad. We're not, at least I'm not. I'd better not speak for Ditz but I'm as sane as the next person.
Ditz & I are used to Liddy. She inhabits a different world. It is a very concrete, literal world, very black & white, very worthy & worthwhile but it lacks a little something. Ditz & I provide the pizazz, the sparkle, the little *something extra*.
Liddy worries about me but there is no need. Someone who can believe in fairies at 10 has no trouble transitioning to angels & demons at 15. The spiritual world is very real to anyone who can imagine anything ~ which could reasonably account for so many alcohol fueled artists but that's another ramble.
Not the first time I've thought about this. An odd thing to think about maybe but spectacularly more interesting than the financial crisis, which I can do nothing about anyway & which is simply dull beyond belief & making everyone fussing about it equally dull.
So what is the attraction? Well, I've thought of several things. When God made man in his own image he made man a creative being. There's nothing quite like creating your own world, even your own people. Ask Ditz. Once she saw the possibilities she wondered why she'd ever fussed about writing. Then there is the purely practical. So much of my life is beyond my control [& wildly out of control at that] but creating something, anything, gives control. A character upsets you? Torture & a slow death for them! It exorcises plenty of demons. It changes the world. No, not literally, but indefinably. When you create something beautiful & lovely, even if it's only in your mind, you carry that with you into the real world & it impacts on how you deal with the real world. I don't know the author of the quote about being in the gutter but keeping your eyes on the stars but it's applicable. Then there is problem solving. Give a character a quandary & see how they solve it. Actually the possibilities are endless. Excuse me while I confer with my friend here...
Raise the white flag.

Farmers' Almanac
The Government stimulus package came through today. We used some of it to buy Dearest a computer. I want Dearest's computer. Liddy & I went into town to the Government recycling shop because Government departments buy new computers every 2 years & there is nothing wrong with the old ones. Mostly they are hardly used at all. Flat screen, horizontal tower, great graphics & cheap, cheap, cheap...*sigh*
The thing with computers is that they are great...until they don't work. O.K, not going there. I can screw up a computer faster than just about anyone I know ~ with one or two exceptions. Mine, which is old & well used & has absolutely everyone's junk clogging up it's memory, has just had a face lift. I missed it. I get pretty good graphics on mine. I'm used to it's quirks. My keyboard abandoned the letter T some time ago. I know to go back & check I have all my Ts. I have a great collection of pics which I really should move to Photobucket & the novels I've never got round to backing up on something because, frankly, I don't know how to do that. So when my computer went down it took lots with it ~ including Ditz's notes on Hitler. She had hopes of never seeing those again.
Liddy & I hate buying computers. The guys in the shop are smarmy & they wear funny shoes. We are highly suspicious of those shoes. They think we don't know what we're doing [which is true] & are an easy mark [which we're not.] When in doubt walk away. They are so terrified of losing a sale they'll do just about anything. We're formidable. When in doubt we refer the salesperson to the other one of us. He never knows who he's trying to sell to. Yes, I know. It's mean but what's a girl to do?
We decided on a computer. We avoided all the extras Dearest doesn't want & we didn't want to pay for & asked for a graphics card because Dearest wants the computer to check his stamps for flaws. We won't go into how dull we all think that is. We agreed on a very reasonable price which was about midway on what we were prepared to pay & we waited while the computer was secreted away into a back room to get its graphic card installed. Some time later we learnt the computer we had chosen would not take the graphic card. We got a much better tower & monitor for the same price so they could install the graphics card. Their mistake so we just smiled sweetly. In my case I just smiled vaguely. I had no idea what the chappie was rabbiting on about & had to have it all explained to me later by Liddy who, at the time, just hissed, ' Nod & say yes,' so I nodded & said yes.
Dearest is very happy with his new toy. Liddy hardly got lost at all, didn't travel the wrong way down a one way street even once & crossed none of Brisbane's dozen bridges heading for the closest water... all in all a very successful day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. ~Lou Erickson
Liddy is home sick. The problem with Liddy is she's got to be very sick indeed before she is happy lying around twiddling her toes so she promptly looked around for something to do. What she found was my garden.
Now I am old enough to really appreciate strong young muscles doing much of the heavy spade work for me but having weeded & dug & fertilized & mulched Liddy then decided what she really needed was a trip to the nursery. Now we do have a nursery on the island but it should never be used for vegetable seedlings as no~one involved in the nursery seems to know an awful lot about plants so the poor little seedling are left to outgrow their pots, flower & fruit & do all manner of things that are extremely unhealthy for any good little seedling.
I looked at the child in complete disbelief. Cyclone Hamish might have spun eastward over the Pacific Ocean to dissolve harmlessly but we are still getting the residue of squally showers & wind. Travelling was not something I really wanted to do ~ especially as I had cancelled out all Ditz's outside commitments. Liddy pleaded. She begged. She promised to pay for my ticket & take me out to lunch. I'm easily bought. Ditz, who has had enough of home confinement but really can't be let loose on her choir, decided to come too. Besides Liddy is anxiously trying to accumulate the last of her driving hours.
So we bundled up & headed out. Liddy, anxious to make the most of her time took a longish trip out to a nearby nursery which wasn't much help in the vegetable line. While we were there we spotted a Botanix ~ which was absolutely huge but useless & expensive so we backtracked to Bunnings where we got everything our little hearts desired except the cauliflower.
Liddy then took us to Toscanis for lunch. We like Toscanis. We've never had a dud meal there & their salads are exquisite. Liddy had Moroccan Chicken with a yogurt & mustard dressing on her salad. Very nice. Ditz opted for Penne Spumante ~ trust Ditz. It tasted hugely alcoholic & I thought she mightn't like it but spumante is one wine I don't mind & it seems Ditz doesn't either. I just had the Chicken Toscani which came with a mustard sauce & vinaigrette dressing on the salad. Mine also came with chips. I'm not a big chip fan so I shared them out between the girls. And yes, mum, we did dessert. Liddy had orange cake, Ditz did a double chocolate bomb & I had tiramisu. On the way back to the car we picked up some Chinese for Dearest who always misses out on these little excursions.
Liddy & I went straight to work planting everything out when we got home. The showery weather is perfect for getting everything well established though I suspect once this wet spell passes we will find the worst of the heat has gone & we are truly in autumn. Liddy thinks she might have got a little carried away. It will be a compact planting but I think we have room for everything: a double lot of celery & beans; cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, snow peas, & a mixed mesculine planter plus another lot of strawberries.
The price of fruit & veg at the moment it pays to garden on the side to help stretch the budget & I am blessed to live in a climate where many things will grow through the winter months. I do like a happy garden A happy gardener isn't half bad either.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Much ado about...

37 plays. 154 sonnets. An ongoing squabble amongst the academics & not so many of us who've actually read one of his plays or sat through one at the theatre. My kids can't believe I laugh ~ in the right places.
So, just to muddy the Shakespearean waters a little more, have you seen this? *swoon* It's been in the Cobbe family for 3 centuries; some people have all the luck, & is purported to have been painted of *sweet Will* during his lifetime. Much better looking than the usual awful thing one sees. Love the hooped ear~ring. Even back then the arty lot were into self display.
It was painted in 1610 when Will was 46; either he kept his age well or the artist took a bit of *artistic license* but seriously, what an improvement! It might actually get the girls at least reading some highbrow literature, though Shakespeare could be bawdy enough at times.
So what do you think, girls?
Monday, March 9, 2009

Mess is what happens when a. I am never here & b. we all get sick. Actually we're not even sick sick, just * a little unwell.* Ditz may actually be sick. I am cancelling all her outside activities as the primary symptom is a sore throat & a massive headache which means she is in no condition to huff & puff her way on an instrument. However as our supervisor is visiting on Friday I must actually do some housework, something I only ever do under duress, but especially dislike when I don't feel well.
Mindless activities are great for several unrelated activities. Prayer. Plotting novels. Writing poetry. There's something about unrelated movement that frees the mind & why I dislike cooking. I can't write stories & cook. Something must give. Usually it's the food.
Headaches I take straight to bed but we lay around like dead chooks yesterday watching the cyclone satellite ~ I told you we were unwell; that's even duller than watching paint dry ~ so today I must catch up & pretend we actually have a grip. I don't feel like I have much of a grip on anything today & thanks to Hamish our temperatures are oscillating wildly along with the humidity. In between showers I have to try & dry the washing ~ outside line so it could be a losing battle. And I am procrastinating. Can you tell? Ok. Off we go!
Sunday, March 8, 2009

We're waiting on Hamish coming down the coast. He's been a naughty boy & went up to a category 5 but he's decreasing now & with a bit of God given luck he won't cause havoc & destruction. They don't normally come far enough south to bother us but we're bound to get loads of rain. At least he might fill our dam. It's the least we expect.